Welcome to DaviSound "NEWS UPDATES" !
Copyright ©1999-2025 by Hayne Davis, DaviSound
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NEWS UPDATE ... from Hayne Davis ...December 23, 2024... January 21, 2025 ...
eMail- DaviSound at DaviSound dot com ... Text- 803 - 944 - 7972
January 21, 2025 - DaviSluggish DaviStart for 2025 I
January 21, 2025
'' DaviSluggish DaviStart for 2025 '' ...''Ignorant voters elect ignorant politicians...it's that simple''- George Carlin
''Happy New Year'' ? ... ...
Well, I've started the new year off with ''long COVID'' (2nd covid bout in 8 months) working on me since 4 days after my last post ... and I have just endured the innauguration of a perpetual pathological lying, semi-literate, ego-maniacal, self-serving bully, convicted felon con man (I could go on although even one of those traits should have been deterrent enough) as the 47th president chosen by the majority (albeit SMALL majority- certainly no ''landslide'' as claimed) of mind-numbed American voters ... I didn't know a near 77 year old (next month) man could be so ''happy''!
Well, at least at this juncture, I do have about HALF my senses of smell/taste returning and I am breathing better with more energy the last few days- so, YES, I truly am happy about that for sure! I know, it seems you loyal readers have to spend WAY too much time reading about my assorted health issues month after month but, since that IS the ''NEWS'' as it happens, I have little choice but to post it as it affects everything else. It does seem to be one thing after another but they tell me that will be the ''DaviStruggle'' I will be dealing with from here on since my now 40 per cent heart ejection fraction will continue to make my immune system somewhat compromised and worsen with age. That's why I now spend a great deal of my time researching ''anti-aging'' therapies and supplements ( I take dozens daily!). I have always inherently practiced the ''new fad'' of ''intermittent fasting'' only eating twice a day- mid day and early evening. I basically adhere to the ''Mediterranean diet'' and I try to get a good balance of exercise and rest. So, no one can say I am not doing everything in my power to stay around for as long as possible and to stay as healthy and as active as possible along with it!
I know, too, that those of you in the seriously cold climates will scoff at my next comment that this ''ungodly'' cold winter (extremely cold for my southern location) has also contributed to nearly ''freezing'' (pun optional) any productivity on work projects , along with being extremely weakend by the bug. In regard to the extreme cold, I sometimes get a ''kick'' out of the ridiculously ignorant comments of the right-wing politicians using that as their excuse for further global warming denial. These shallow idiots don't realize that while we're enduring the extreme record cold, the other hemisphere is enduring the exact opposite extreme....record HEAT! But, then, that's the way it is with just about EVERY OTHER TRUTHFUL FACT that these morons never realize either!
As for my projections for activities on the DaviSound front for '25, I covered most of that in last month's post. That and all of the News Updates for 2024 have now been moved to the NEWS ARCHIVES area as we do at the beginning of each new year. This entry here is, of course, the very first post on a new ''DaviSlate'' for our monthly ''News Updates'' for 2025. Along with the plan for more substantive, current audio topics, I will also be linking to select past entries from time to time especially when a reader inquiry relates to a prior post topic that must have been missed. I just received such an email a couple of days ago asking about my ''DaviSnake'' microphones and whether they were still available. Of course the answer to that availability question is ''yes'' which is documented on it's own The DaviSnake Microphone site area (as well as in the CURRENT PRICES area). Then, in relation to the prior post topic which included the latest update info on the DaviSnake, you will find that post here- DaviSnakes News .
There is one small caveat to that general availability assurance however. The ''snakes'' are not IMMEDIATELY available since I am still setting up/wiring up the area in the new work room that will facillitate the thorough testing/matching of the new elements and the proof of performance testing after fabrication. This is on my priority list for the first quarter but still very much a work in progress.
I guess this will wrap up my first post for '25 and I do hope/expect that February will be a bit more productive (and warmer!) than January (although I have always enjoyed our, relatively mild, winters, these consistent lows in the low 20s and highs in the low 30s are NOT my thing!). As always, I thank all of you ''oldsters'' who hang in there loyally with me each month as well as the newcomers that I hear from each month! I look foward to working with all of you during the coming year and invite you to ''tune in'' here again next month for more ''News'' from DaviSound.
to see "old news" from the DaviSound News Archives ...
Selected past, informative "News Updates".