The following comments are actual excerpts from unsolicited written correspondence ... mostly
email ... from DaviSound customers.
For many years it was a long standing DaviSound policy NOT to publish client endorsements whatsoever or reveal our client list in any fashion. This continues to be the policy in regard to client lists, inquiry lists or contact information. Be assured, we do NOT furnish, or publish, client or inquiry names to outside parties ... for any reason.
In more recent times, many of our clients, including some listed here, have convinced us that some of their insights about our products, when willingly offered, deserve to be heard!
When an appreciative client goes out of the way to send us gracious comments and user reports about our products then we see no reason not to publish them!
We welcome ALL comments from our customers and if you send us email about our products, and
would like us to list it here, then we would consider it an honor and a priviledge to do so!
Just be certain to specifically state that you would like your comments posted or they will not be published here.
NOTE - Please understand that the following comments are so VERY special because, unlike many audio companies nowadays who "buy" recommendations and reviews, either directly or indirectly, you can be sure that DaviSound never has, and never will, utilize such tactics!
All of our clients are always treated equally and fairly and each of the following ordered their equipment through standard procedure. You can be assured that none have ever received any compensation, or special considerations, from DaviSound whatsoever for their honest, genuine endorsements!
We Get Letters ! ... ...
While ALL DaviSound clients are very "DaviSpecial" to us ... even those who have made only a single purchase from us at some point ... naturally, we are most gratified when one of our multiple users contacts us again, out of the blue, with a nice note about his DaviSound gear while announcing a desire to commission yet another custom piece. Such was the case with these recent, special eMails from Grammy nominee, Ron Rigsby of Nashville, Billy Brush of Seattle and a subsequent, similar one from Bryan Hughes of Virginia Beach.
I use the DS-1950 on the bottom end of the upright bass as
well as on some vocals. I have used this 1950 on several mic setups and
have always gotten a real warm track that sets well in the mix however I have
used it. This mic has the best low end for my liking of anything I have in
my mic closest and I am fortunate to have several great mics.
I use the DaviSnake on the bottom side of a snare drum and it's
a killer. I have also used it in a stereo mic setup along with a
U-87 on a banjo track and it sounds great.
For me, both the 1950 and the DaviSnake are must haves for my mic closet.
I'm sure whoever tries them will feel the same.
Ron Rigsby
Brickshy Audio
The TB-3, TB-12 and DS-1950 are all working in perfect harmony and have created quite the delectable signal chain! I've been utterly impressed with the clarity and true responsiveness of the DS-1950 across the sound spectrum.
I've recorded vocals, acoustic guitar, banjo, accordion, harp, dobro, double bass, dumbek, classical guitar, ukulele, and various percussion instruments, to name a few. What I'm most amazed by is the fact that I can just throw up the faders in a mix, and by adjusting gain and pan alone, I've been able to create some really great sounding rough mixes without any added compression or EQ. There aren't many mics out there up to that task.
As always, I recommend your gear to all of my audio engineering colleagues. The DS-1950 is a mic that should be owned by every audio engineer who is equally interested in the science AND art of their craft.
Billy Brush
Audio Engineer, Producer, Composer, Mountain Biker
Seattle, WA
Billy is also one of those clients who has tried our "DaviSauce" (and SURVIVED!) ...
Here is a photo of Billy's "Aged Oak" DS-1950 that he referenced in the above note ...
Click Here For More Photos Of The Billy Brush ''Aged Oak'' Ds-1950
You can read Billy's original comments about his other DaviSound gear further down, below.
And then this similar "out of the blue" update from Bryan Hughes about his "old reliable" TB-12 ...
Hello, This is Bryan Hughes, purchaser of your first TB-12 PedOak Preamp.
It has been a while since I have been in contact, but it is a great thing, indeed, to see DaviSound still going strong.
My Preamp is still a remarkable piece of gear, and in all seriousness, I have not bought another preamp since. There is no need, not only in the sound-quality department, but the build-quality of your work is just rock solid. No noise in the pots, no hiss, no hum, no anything.. except consistent, clear sound.
I don't know how you do it, but whatever it is, keep doing it.
I told you all a long time ago that I would send updates from time to time, and I will not take as long this time around. So until next time, you all take care..
Bryan Hughes
Virginia Beach, VA
The following is a most gracious endorsement from industry veteran studio musician, arranger, producer, composer... and Academy Award Winner ("The Buddy Holly Story"), Joseph Renzetti !
Sure this is America, land of the free, etc, etc. And, we are fortunate to live here in all this freedom.
The one I like particularly is the freedom to choose. To choose what to believe or not, freedom to choose . . . Wait a minute! Hold it!
I want a non-digital line mixer -
"No, no, not here my boy. All you'll get is a M----- or a clone of a M----- Take it or leave it."
Well, I could get one of those "high-end" English, or equally snobbish, tube, quasi-tube, way over- priced units. No, not for me.
I found Hayne Davis and his custom-made DaviSound line of audio components. All are designed by Hayne Davis, someone who really knows audio-electronics. They make truly superior, clean, quiet mic-pre's, equalizers, power amps, etc. I found their prices to be very reasonable considering the quality of the products and services they offer.
They custom designed and built a 16-input, basic line mixer for me (with 2 mic pres). It's great!
I do lot's of Jazz, acoustic and orchestral music, so reality, richness and warmth are most important to me.
The mixer, with the components that Davis uses, gives me all that.
Because I do all my mixing in the computer, I just need a basic (analog) mixer with the best natural sound possible. I don't need multiple sends, busses, monitors. They designed in, exactly the pans, sends, returns and inputs I need.
It's better than my old Trident that I was forced to retire.
Kudos, and I recommend them without any reservation.
Regards, Joe Renzetti
You can read more comments from Joe about his custom gear on our "Wood You Believe"
Photo Page!
As most everyone who follows DaviSound knows by now, the TB-3 is my all time favorite Tool Box. I have said many times that I am, still, ALWAYS amazed at the performance each time I complete one of these and put it through its proof of performance paces! While it incorporates most all of our original processing components in its design (aside from EQ), its amazing versatiltiy, and varied capabilities, are simply unsurpassed by any other single unit anywhere!
One of our latest users, Les Keye, of Ireland, sums all of this up expressing it beautifully in his letter below and I am pleased to share them with all of you while thanking him for taking the time to send this special email ...
Well, here I am at the end of another days tracking, and I feel that an addendum to my earlier mail is in order.
I own 2x v72's (Siemens and Telefunken), 2 x Siemens 276, 2 x Telefunken 672's, a neve 1073, and 2 x Golden age pre 73's. My mic locker contains amongst other things a matched pair of Neumann cmv563's 2, 1 x neumann u87, 2 xkm84s, 2 x schoeps cmc6's, 2 x matched 414s, a range of Gefell mv69x's with a range of capsules um70's, 2x m7's, 2 x um70's, m55's,, m93's, as well as 8 ribbon microphones, and a load of dynamic mics.
I tend to record a lot of jazz and contemporary classical music, in the studio I designed and built.
I selected the equipment above based upon the records I grew up listening to and loving, and I appreciate a well designed piece of equipment.
The Tb3 is one of those.
In the limited time I have had it, I find it a most excellently designed and crafted piece of machinery.
The clarity and precision of the image captured by the pre, surpasses ALL of the pre-amps in my collection. The versatility it offers from pristine 'transparent' capture to thickly coloured tube warmth is something I have rarely experienced in one box, and between the 'active gain', and the 'recover' stage the total potential output gain is enormous.
So far I have used it mainly on Vocals (both male and female). Thickening up female vocals by dialing in the tube. Musically overdriving some male vocals by pushing the tube a bit more. Shaping them both some more by adjusting the tube distortion. The compression is so smooth, and its such a sonic joy to effectively improve my bit depth by getting a better average signal before the analogue waveform hits the digital converter.
This afternoon I used both sides on a blumlein ribbon pair to capture a guitar cab.
Everything has been remarkable Hayne- in the truest sense of the word. Clear and precise.
Next week Im tracking a jazz trio with female vocals, followed by a full band the week after, then in mid february I begin another acoustic based album.
Anyhow, I just wanted to express my admiration for the mind that went into this brilliant design. You have thought of everything. (I'm still blown away by its versatility, and its potential).
Les Keye
Dublin, Ireland
I should point out that Les' TB-3 was the first ever to utilize our newly (2015) developed MPTB3, MasterPiece circuit module which incorporates a complete single channel of all the solid state circuitry required by the TB-3 into one MasterPiece circuit module. This means we have managed to incorporate four active stages into one module as opposed to the two modules required in the past. So, in addition to the vacuum tube circuit block, now only two MP modules ate required per unit as opposed to the four in the past. This greatly reduced the previous extreme crowdedness of modules and components inside the cabinet over past models without sacrificing anything within the "Mic-All" mic amp and "DaviSmart" compressor circuitry!
In late 2008 we decided to reverse our current trend of enlarging our "Retro" styled Tool Boxes for one of our popular models, the TB-10.
In this case, we introduced a new compact version of the TB-10, showcasing the, new standard, compact Sifam "Retro" styled VU meters, in a newly laid out, reduced sized 2RU cabinet.
The first edition of this latest, new standard, design was commissioned by MIchael O'Connor of Ireland. Michael was kind enough to send us a photo of it soon after unpacking and then pass along the following comments over the following few weeks.
The new TB-10 has arrived safe and sound. The postman actually left it on it's side on my doorstep, completely ignoring your upwards arrow, but other than that I think it was handled well. No dents or signs of tampering. Great packing job too, by the way. You were right about the photos not doing it justice, it does look superb. It looks like something from another age. I really like that aged oak you used for the top and bottom too, excellent choice.
I just spent an hour or so playing some acoustic guitar while monitoring through headphones, I'll do some proper recording with it in the morning. Even the shuffling and room noises before I started playing made my ears perk up. You know, I've heard how even the slightest movement of the player can radically alter the sound of an acoustic, but this was the first time I've really HEARD it! As someone who self records a lot, that level of detail and accuracy in is going to be a big help. Thank you!
I like the panel layout a lot, Hayne. Also, as I think you've stated previously, the controls do indeed become second nature very quickly despite the lack of markings. I spent some time last night running a couple of different guitars direct through the TB-10- seriously good fun!
I think the TB-10 has pretty much cured me of the "gear aquisition syndrome" I was experiencing in
relation to the myriad of other preamps and their respective flavors out there these days. For that alone I thank you!
It's one classy piece!
Michael O'Connor
County Wicklow Ireland
And while on the subject of the TB-10, ironically, early in 2009 we also had the chance to revisit one of our "old friends" ... an original model, early TB-10, acquired on the used market by
Kyle Harris. This was an original 3RU sized, Oak TB-10WG. Kyle inquired and took advantage of our special refurbish package for older units and commisioned us to rebuild the unit for him, recertifying it to new spec.
Here is what Kyle told us after putting the unit back in service ...
The TB-10 is a featured
performer and it is a welcome addition. I believe it is
exceptional for recording acoustic sources and particularly
good on vocals.
My preferences lean towards recording the
source with accuracy and the TB-10 is a thoroughly
professional tool to accomplish that goal.
Thanks for your dedication and care given to this
refurbishment. I look forward to years of superior
performance from the TB-10.
Kyle Harris
PlayR Recording
Phoenix, AZ
In 2007, as a result of almost a full prior year's prototyping and careful, extended critical listening tests on
various power amplifier topologies, it was decided to create a new low power, SINGLE ENDED, CLASS-A version of
our renowned, TB-8 laboratory reference monitor amp.
Lifetime experienced, audio enthusiast, Steve Kratz commissioned the very first edition of this new Single Watt design!
Now, Steve took his time putting it through his own listening tests and evaluation before passing along his comments ... almost as much time as we took in our year's prototyping experiments!
We are, now at long last, MOST PLEASED to present his comments below for your consideration!
The "DaviSolidSingle" is one fantastic amplifier!
It took me a long time to run it through its paces and mix and match it with a ton of other gear that I have at the house to find out just how good it was.
You picked the perfect name for it.
It sounds just like a good single ended tube amp sounds but with much better frequency extremes top and bottom. It does all of the audiophile "stuff" great - meaning imaging, sound staging, etcetera. The amp is incredibly quiet and fast.
I have used a few speakers with the Solid
Single amp. I have used it on Klipsch Lascala's, Tyler Pro PD-15's and many different Altec 604 speakers that I own. I think I told you before I'm a big Altec guy. The main thing is real high efficiency.
98db and up is were you want to be with this amp.
I have to tell you this, I
took the Solid Single over to a friend of mine's house and put it in his
system driving custom, hand built, Altec Voice of the Theater speakers. We
both sat there in awe. In 45 years I have never heard music like that flow
out of a home audio system.
Steven Kratz - Quakertown, PA
To see, and read, more of this excting new ABSOLUTE FIDELITY amplifier ...
SEE - TB8-SE-"DaviSolidSingle"
Early 2007 saw the long awaited TB-7 ... "DaviStrip" come to fruition ...
Here is what the commissioner of the very first prototype had to say after it's initial
sessions ...
It certainly is true that what goes in, comes out - nice and accurate. It really is helpful to have the compressor switched in circuit, ever so slightly, so as to avoid any overs, but without sounding compressed.
The client is very happy with the sound of the recorded tracks ! We are using a [ Brand Mic ]through the TB7, directly to my R ---- hard disk recorder. In the past, I was always a bit leery to use compression on the way in ... but the compressor on the TB7 is really sweet, with no audible "pumping". We are tracking with the mic gain, compressor threshold and make up gain all set to about 9 O'Clock position. This is giving us good level, headroom and nice protection from overs. Things are sounding really good!
Keith Modugno
SpiritWorks Productions
More comments from Keith a little later on this page regarding another of his "Tool Boxes" ...
a "DaviSure" TB-8 reference amplifier!
Meanwhile, he shares some nice photos of these pieces in his racks ...
The inaugural TB-7 ready for action!
Keith's special ordered, customized TB-8 with large, LED lighted, VU meters.
White LED back lighting insures a lifetime of operation with no bulb-burnout / replacement!
Shortly after delivering the first TB-7, we used Keith's input to revise and improve the design somewhat
with added features on the second prototype commissioned by longtime DaviSound client, Chris G.
Chris decided to customize his unit himself, shown below, with special ordered, metal control knobs.
Here is what Chris had to say about his first-ever FET compressor version of the TB-7 with additional line level mixing
capability -
I only have a few insights to report. Before that, I must mention that DaviSound's ability to customize a processor in appearance and function with such flexibility is impressive. From wood, knob and switch choice to finish to control layout, the results are gorgeous. The knob/potentiometer feel is taut, which I prefer to knobs that feel "loose."
I've kind of taken to using the FET compressor section as a kind of "enhancer," since it's hard to reliably measure (with my meager downstream equipment) the gain reduction. It seems that there is an element of automatic gain make-up. Anyway, I tend to use the compression at about 10:00 position, and no higher than 12:00 unless I want significant distortion. At 10:00 it seems to add a touch of even harmonic "sparkle" without being "over the top."
Attached is an overall image of the reknobbed TB-7, with 3 knob sizes. For me, this ergonomic arrangement works very well. You can also see my typical positions for the controls, except for the gain which is turned down completely in the picture.
The mic pre and EQ are still my favorites. There is a subtlety and smoothness to the EQ that is different than active networks ... I would love to have one with switchable frequencies in each band and the ability to switch the high and low bands from shelving to peaking. The TB-7 pre (along with the the TB-12) most consistently produces what I think is the best sound currently available from my mics. The gain goes down to zero, and no pad is needed.
If I may elaborate somewhat regarding the preamp performance. I tend to approach equipment from an engineer's point of view. In general, I am looking for realism with smoothness and a touch of "largeness." The TB-7 (and TB-12) was evaluated for widest compatibility with a large range of high quality condenser, transformer, transformerless and dynamic mics. (Although initially a concern, the ~42V Phantom of the TB-7 has not proven to be an issue.) It was also evaluated for consistency. That is, is it consistently a very good choice, or only on occasion? Then it was compared with several contemporary and modern recreations of vintage American and British preamps. For me, the vast majority of competitive products are either "muddy," harsh, or dull and lacking realistic detail. Some are consistent, but consistently rather mediocre. So, this is, in rather simplified terms, how I formed my opinion of the TB-7 (and TB-12).
Hope this is helpful. Best regards, Chris G., Michigan
Exotic woods have now become most popular for faceplates on our "WG" Tool Boxes ...
A personal favorite that has also become one of those types most desired by clients is Exotic Padauk ...
This popularity, along with that of contrasting cabinetry made from our traditional American Red Oak ...
caused us to introduce a new cabinet style that we have coined "PedOak".
The very first "PedOak" cabinet was a TB-3 commissioned by Lee Jordan who sent us
this photo of his inaugural "PedOak" unit ...
The "Barkley TB-3" posed outside its new home in Potter Valley, CA.
Lee also sent us these comments about the performance of this beautiful new box ...
This unit really shines as a post mix compressor!
I have installed yet another tube ('52 RCA) and the harmonics are
simply amazing! You have really created a "musical monster"!
The last few days
i've been re-mixing a few tracks and running them into the TB-3, then
directly into a 24-bit recorder. It definitetly brings back some life into some
of the more "sterile" digital recordings. I'll email again after i'm able to
actually track with the unit.
I have been using the pre's all week and they are very nice and
transparent on my condensers and dynamic mic's.
All around I am very pleased with the unit and everyday I find new sounds and textures!
I would definately say that it pays to audition as many tubes as you can as
each has it's own harmonic structure.
I think the contrasting wood scenario is a brilliant concept on your part; and you have the electronic circuits that really tie it all together.
Lee Jordan
Potter Valley, CA
Lee also recently commissioned our first SiFam VU unit ... the handsome "PedOak" TB8-VU model.
He sent us the photo below of his "PedOak" Combo and had this to say about the accuracy of the TB-8 -
" The amp has a really nice "3D" sound to it. I've been re-wiring my studio so I've had the TB-8 out in my living room playing some 24bit beatle recordings and it's like hearing them for the first time!. Nice work! "
Since it's introduction early in 2004, the TB-12 has really taken its place along side the other DaviSound preamps as one of our more popular units at a very attractive price! It continues to be a an even greater value since it's price has NOT increased since its introduction all those years back in spite of the continuing devaluation of the dollar!
Here is the latest endorsement for a TB-12, from our most recent client to date, Billy Brush of Seattle. Note that Billy also picked up a second hand TB-3 on eBay and offers his comments about both pieces.
I finally had the opportunity to fire up the TB-12 the
other night, and all I can say is, "Wow, wow, wow, wow . . .
WOW!" I did some side-by-side tests with my existing gear on
vocals, acoustic guitar and banjo, and the TB-12 brought a
cleaner low end and a more-detailed high end to every
Everything sounded "more real" coming from my
monitors. Plus, I think it was the first time I enjoyed the
sound of my banjo coming from my digital work station. The
TB-12 is all-around amazing; I couldn't be happier with this
I'm looking forward to all the recording in the years to
Thanks for a superior product and world-class customer
All my best,
Billy Brush | Sr. Audio Producer
Seattle, WA
Then ... a little later, Billy sent this follow-up about the TB-3 he acquired on eBay ...
I was eyeing it (the TB-3)
originally before I opted for the (New) TB-12, and after
experiencing the beauty of
the TB-12, I felt I couldn’t let the TB-3 on eBay
slip by. So, now I’ve
got two beautiful DaviSound Tool Boxes sitting in my rack,
and they are kicking
some serious sonic butt! I had a great session with a
vocalist and guitarist
last week, and I’ll be recording a harpist tonight.
Billy Brush | Sr. Audio Producer
This endorsement for our TB-12, "DaviSecondSource" preamp ... comes to us from "Way DOWN Under"!
Greetings Hayne!
Just a quick update....
The TB-12 is going very well. Some of my go-to boxes have been relegated
down the list in deference to the new " timber twin titan".
I've been finding the sound sweet but clear (as have the other engineers
who have heard it)!
Once again, thanks for efforts, I'm really enjoying it!
Best regards,
Haig Burnell
And then ...
A few weeks later ...
Greetings Hayne.
Just an update.
I recorded a recital the other night in a hall I don't usually record in.
It has a "resident" pair of AKG 460's set up above the stage and a house
desk. A colleague suggested that I may want to bring my own pres and
converters if I wanted to work at my usual standard.
So, I took a small rack case with the TB-12 unit in case the advice I had
been given was true.
Well, I did an a/b and it was easy to tell straight
off that the TB-12 would be doing the work for me that night (even though
the usual console does broadcast work all the time!).
I own some good brand-name gear but yours is still the first box to be
tried in most situations.
I really have to say thanks again for your great and very affordable
Best regards,

We also recently received more follow-ups from Haig including some wonderful
segments of some of his remarkable live recordings. We added these to our
collection of client recordings which will, one day, be included on a new "DaviSamples"
web page!
Haig also sent the photo at left from one of his remote setups
showing his unusual vertical mounting technique for his "timber twin titan"!
He added that his only regret was that he had not gone ahead and bought a TB-6 instead so that he could have the extra channels in the same amount of rack space.
Haigelbagel Productions is also a "DaviSnake" microphone user and Haig had this to say about his "snake" ...
"It travels to every remote gig I do and has saved the day more than
once, be it as a room mic or spotting that essential instrument that is now
tucked away behind a pillar (moved from rehearsal)!
It has good polar
pickup, good off-axis rejection but sounds pleasant enough off-axis that it
can be blended and mixed without obvious colouration.
It's size and convenience of mounting is a godsend too."
Here are comments from a new client on his first experience with DaviSound and his,
first-ever, "PedOak" TB-12.
Simply remarkable! I don't know what to say. Simply remarkable!
I loved the pics, but they didn't do it justice. I needed a glass of water because my mouth was dry from being stuck open when i unwrapped the preamp, no kidding.
I mean, you can tell that serious time and meticulous work was done in it's creation.
I was afraid to plug anything into it. But i did, and...simply remarkable!! I don't know what else to say.
The clarity this pre presents is rediculous. It's like, photorealistic. It's crazy. It's almost like you can see yourself sitting inside the room when you listen to the playback of the recorded track, if that makes any sense.
I don't know what to say. The service, the looks, the sound ... simply remarkable.
It was hard at first to grasp your 'have faith in us' policy, but that's all out the window now. You'll be dealing with me for a long time. Thanks...
Oh yeah, and did I mention it got here flawlessly? Talk to you soon...
Bryan Hughes,
Virgina Beach, Virginia
Then ... a few weeks later, Bryan sent this follow-up note about the "Mic-All" preamps in his TB-12 ...
I just wanted to keep you posted on how everything with my TB-12 has been. It took me a while to realize that I really don't need a whole lot of gain from your
'active' gain design to get a good signal, just a mind thing and a habit from
preamps that don't employ the same gain structure. But, I'm pretty good on
that now. "Clarity" still doesn't really define this unit. I've only heard one other preamp that sounded even close to the clarity of this preamp, and it cost more
for just one channel, and it wasn't customized. I'll
let you know when to get another name plate started for me. Take care and
hope all is good...
Bryan Hughes
Then, Bryan was kind enough to send us this New Year greeting in early 2009 ...
Hello, This is Bryan Hughes. I'm happy to say that the PedOak TB-12, ordered from you a couple of years ago, paid for itself a long time ago, and has contributed to me having a steady flow of very happy customers. I just wanted to keep in touch and let you know how a fan of your products is doing. Hope all is well with business and the company, and family. Enjoy and have a safe new year. Take care. Email if you get a few secs...
For a look at Bryan's "PEDOAK" TB-12 Tool Box ... See "PedOak TB-12"
Here is yet another awe inspired letter sent to us regarding a TB-12 ... this one about our first ever Tool Box to be handcrafted, entirely, from beautiful, Black Walnut .
I've been sitting here for the last half hour, stunned. This thing is really something else. If it's not too late, I'd like my other tool boxes to be walnut as well.
I couldn't be happier with the sound of these preamps (or lack there of).
Just a natural, lifelike, aliveness (just???) heh.
I have a modest and un-noteworthy mic collection (pending the arrival of the DaviSnake), but that was tough to tell with the TB-12 hooked up. Suddenly my mic collection sounds a lot more expensive. Very nice!
I'm looking forward to the other pieces.
P.S. My boss walked in, the other day, while I had the TB-12 out on the table and his first reaction was,
"Wow! They don't make 'em like that anymore."
I should've let him think it was a "vintage" piece, but I explained that it was, in fact, brand new, hand made in the USA.
It was interesting that he made the remark, though, because I get a similar vibe from the TB-12.
It's almost as if I'm stepping back to a time before mass production, when things were made carefully, one at a time with a craftsman's attention.
Anyway, just wanted to share that.
Andy S
Reno, Nevada
Here is another note from another happy user of a TB-12 "Mic-All" preamp, Dave Rust ...
I have used a variety or pres in the past couple of years, and yours
holds a prominent position. Yours is always the go-to
pre when nothing else is known about the source.
I agree with some forum writers that the Davisound is not exactly
uncolored. There is, as one called it, a "sheen" to the sound that is
less clinical than a lab device, despite an apparent absence
of added harmonics. Maybe your circuit is simply more accurate than anybody else's, and we nevertheless ascribe a "character" to it. Or,
maybe it does do something subjective. Either way, it's your sound!
I like the way it pays attention to the bottom two octaves that others ignore.
And. I am saving my pennies for that rotary mixer, too. So you can't
leave for the shuffleboard court, yet.
Dave Rust
MY REPLY ( Which just may reveal our all-time, circuit design "DaviSecret" ! ) -
On the subject of our "sound" or "lack of sound" ... yes, I know many have claimed our pre-amps have a unique "character" but I still think it to be related, rather, to the unique "accuracy" that, as you mention, is seldom found elsewhere these days in regard to ALL combined audio parameters. I think there are discernible differences in a, properly designed, TRULY "uncolored" amplifier when compared to other, supposedly, "uncolored" amps which are merely "lifeless".
For example, one of the main things I figured out a long time ago is the audibility of "power transfer efficiency" in an audio circuit even in small signal voltage amplifiers where we are dealing with MICRO power. I think the ideal is being able to achieve the proper balance between voltage and current. As you know, power (watts, milliwatts or microwatts) is the product of voltage multiplied by current. Few people, users or designers, ever seem to notice, or deliberately apply, this idea through manipulation.
In any electrical circuit, a given power level may be achieved by either of two ways - increase the voltage to a given load resistance as far as the resistance value and voltage source will allow for a given current flow. Alternately, we can increase the current sourcing capability of our drive circuit whereby a greater current can be developed across a lower resistance with the same, or lower, voltage level. The resulting "power" level (what we listen to) will be the same with both techniques. But when when we make it possible for the voltage to be perfectly unaffected by the load by providing the "just right" current boost capability, then we have achieved that proper "balance". I think that these ultra-slight variances are (can be)audible in audio circuits and are what gives us the effects of "sheen" and "presence" to use just two of the many common adjectives. In other words, I think output current capability variance can be audibly discernible in any audio circuit moreso than most other electrical variances.
I have also long felt this is the main thing that makes tube circuitry always sound somewhat "different" than transistor circuits using the same topology. The tubes are typically dealing with very high signal voltage swings (volts instead of millivolts) in the early amplifier stages which must be buffered in some way (transformer or low impedance solid state stage) to develop the needed output drive in the output stages.
I think the finely honed, subtlety perception ability of audio engineers can detect the very slight distinctions of a significant voltage swing in an early amplification stage developed into a low current sourcing output especially when compared to a similar circuit that offers boosted output current capability for lower voltage swings! Our custom designed/built "house IC " MasterPiece module utilizes, I think, the proper ratio of voltage/current for a given "power" (microwatts/milliwatts). Slew rate is certainly a part of this equation in all feedback amplifiers but there is more to it than that. Our "Mic-All" circuit can drive loads down to 50 ohms with almost no detectable increase in distortion- VERY few voltage amplifiers (preamps) out there can make that assertion. So, even though that kind of drive capability may never be needed in an audio PRE-amplifier, I still think it makes a, subtle but discernible to some, difference with voltage swing subtleties even when driving the lighter, higher impedance, bridging loads found with regular modern interfacing.
I honestly believe that I have revealed the true "DaviSecret" for you here. All the competing engineers need to do now is figure out exactly WHICH circuit components to use exactly WHERE to get our results!
Thanks again for all your kind comments, to date, about my designs. I will be making an effort to finally use some of them on our website starting, I think, with my next news update!
Best in audio,
This special endorsement for our TB-2, "DaviSmart", optical compressor comes from noted engineer/producer ... Joel Hamilton, Brooklyn, NY !
I got the TB2 "Joel Hamilton" model safe and sound. This is truly a work of art!
I plugged it in, and turned it on, and smiled.
I ran some program through it, and my assistant and I smiled.
This custom TB-2 sounds great, and looks great. It is a winner. I LOVE the gain ... I am really into this box!
Very, very nice work ... worth the wait, for sure. I am proud to own one of your amazing pieces, Hayne. Thanks for making really great stuff. You made my job/career more fun, and for that, I thank you.
If you ever need a "satisfied customer" testimonial ... I would be honored.
Now I am looking forward to the MIC!!!!!
-Joel Hamilton
Joel has kindly reitterated his enthusiasm for his DaviSound gear on numerous occasions both directly to us and in interviews for various trade magazines and recording sites as well!
For example, he recently told us that his custom TB-2 was "alive and well and continually recording some of the biggest names in alternative rock today!". He added that he loves the line drivers in the recover stage and leaves the unit in-line all the time whether compressing or not.
Here are some more of his gracious comments from other published sources ...
"I have been using a Davisound TB2 (custom) compressor for a while now, and it fully rocks. The line drivers remind me of an _____. Lots of "density."
The compressor is like a mutant LA3A with ______ make up gain. Awesome.
Hayne is really, truly an exceptional person. I would dare to say it is the best buying experience I have ever had in pro audio, and this was via email, on a custom piece of gear! DaviSound Rules!"
You can also read some of Joel's comments about his DS-1950 microphone on our "DaviSource Microphones" web page.
Here some additional comments about his mic from other published sources ...
"The box alone is absolutely beautiful. This mic is really amazing.
Anyone looking for a quality condenser mic that will make people say "holy ----!" when they lay eyes on it, then freak out about the sound!
Seriously, this is a really, really cool mic for under a grand ... and it is hand made! Each one is made for the customer specifically, not mass produced!
In the current state of the "cheaper" condenser mic market, this thing is the coolest, most quality piece I have seen, hands down.
I already love the Compressor (the TB2 custom, with the VU's I asked for) and now the mic!
Check them out if you are in the market for an affordable condenser that you will be proud to pull out every time. Amazing. These guys truly make beautiful gear, and make my job more fun.
This mic reminds me of a C12A with an even weirder "darkness" to it that is not unpleasant. Totally sounds like an OLD tube mic, but it isnt old or tube."
The "old reliable" TB-8 "DaviSure" monitor reference amplifier was returned to it's roots
in 2005 with circuit simplification. The evolution continued in 2006 until we came up with, what we think is ... the final,
ideal design for a control room reference monitor amplifier.
Connecticut studio operator Keith Modugno recently commissioned a customized version
of our latest TB-8 design which included his request for added front panel VU meters.
Here is how Keith described his early experiences with his new custom TB-8 ...
I am enjoying the TB-8, simply listening through my stereo returns and my monitors. I have the TB8's outputs going to a speaker selector box, and I can switch between up to four pairs of speakers.
My custom nearfields sound incredible, and my larger mid-fields, which I use to playback audio to the live room, also sound great. The ten watt output of the TB8 is more than sufficient for these two situations.
A bonus on the selector is a headphone output, and my Beyerdynamic DT880 reference headphones sound truly magnificent.
And ...
I LOVE the meters!
Keith Modugno
SpiritWorks Productions LLC
As a result of Keith's comments about his headphone application ...
We were reminded to add a standard, front panel stereo headphone jack to all future TB-8 models!
Here is what long time client, and multiple Tool Box user, Weston Ray reported regarding his first TB-3 "Inner Tube" Compressor on first test some years back ...
I used a matched-pair of Neumann TLM103s in ORTF position and set
approximately 16 feet from and 6 feet above the stage.
I connected the 103s to a DaviSound TB-3 using 25 foot Belden 8412 cables
with Neutrik connectors.
On the TB-3, I set the Mics (pres) to approx. 12 O'clock, Tube In, Drives to
approx. 9 O'clock, Comps between 7 and 8 O'clock, Recovers to approx. 9
O'clock, Releases between 10 and 11 O'clock, and Distortion between 9 and
I connected the TB-3 to an HHB 850 using 3 foot Canare L-4E6S cables with
Neutrik connectors.
Lastly, I set the 850 to accept -8dBu on its balanced inputs using the Input
Selector and set the Rec Level to just a "crack" above 4.
Impressions on the DaviSound TB-3 from this first experience:
During the "sound-check", I noticed the pres had plenty of gain to
play-with. Not only that, but I was pretty impressed that I only had to
turn the pres up half-way; in regards to the sound source only being an
un-amplified grand piano and single vocal.
On the compressor side, along with the tube settings, I must say that I have
a feeling that even if you had a really good "feel" for it the studio, live,
it's a whole new ball-game! Knowing this, I decided to be rather
conservative on this side of things. I've read the manual multiple times so
I at least sort of knew how to be on the more "subtle" side with settings.
Going into this first "for real" experience with the TB-3, I pretty much
already knew my opinions on the tube and compressor side of things. I've
played with it not nearly enough at home on various sources of music and am
already in "ahhh" on its diversity! It can be extremely "transparent",
"real", and "musical" when you're looking to only tame the dynamics of that
natural piece or when you already have plenty of "color" from elsewhere.
But, oh, don't think for a second that means you have to look elsewhere when
you're looking for "color" from a compressor. I've been able to get plenty
"warmth" and even that "bigger than life" sound out of it no matter what the
material. Yet somehow, I was still able to keep quite a bit of dynamic
range in there when I wanted to.
Remember when you said I'd want another due to its great versatility? Well,
I'd like another please.
I have to hand it to you and DaviSound, Hayne, the TB-3 sure is some piece of
work. Not only is it SO versatile, but all the different "characters" are
superb quality too!
Weston Ray -
Weston House Recording
Orangevale, CA
Our all time most popular Tool Box, the TB-6 with its four "Mic-All" amplifiers, continues to astound its users with amazing "life-like" amplification in session after session. The following comments emailed from our most recent TB-6 owner, Tony Montalbano, exemplify the truly awe inspiring experience of hearing a "Mic-All" preamp in action for the first time as well as any comments we have heard previously. We are most pleased that Tony wanted them included here! His first unit was a customized version that included a switchable instrument direct input on channel one.
I'm sure you don't get tired of hearing this ....
While I was waiting for my TB-6, I became I guess- anxious. I've always tracked through N____, A___, T_______,
(the usual suspects). I was a little worried since I've never tracked through a "CLEAN" preamp.
So, meanwhile, I bought 2 _________. These units, equipped with NOS Telefunken tubes, are built by a german guy who follows the specs from the Telefunken V-series but with more gain than the original units at $_______ per channel.
I tracked drum overheads with 2 Sennheiser dynamic vocal mics. I was so impressed with those units, I had already decided the TB-6 would be better for the snare, kick and toms before I even received the unit.
Hayne, I ran the same set-up with the TB-6 and ....
I already have my return authorization number and have packed the other units up to ship them back!
The TB-6 sounds more full, or thick, and more in your face compared to the tube units. HOW COULD THIS BE???
I guess distortion isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
I also tracked bass guitar through the custom instrument DI and again, MUCH MORE FULL AND REAL!!!
I tracked vocals through a LD condenser and they were also amazing!
THANK YOU HAYNE DAVIS! Now I'm trying to figure out what to buy next from Davisound?
Next week, I'll be tracking a new project, so I'll keep you posted on the different TB-6 applications.
Thanks ... I know I'll have trouble sleeping tonight,
Tony Montalbano,
Sun City West, AZ
We are glad that DaviSound clients are starting to take us up on our suggestion to send us some photos of our gear in use ...

Bryan Kay sent us this photo of two of his DaviSound Tool Boxes in the rack.
Bryan commisioned the first ever "DaviStone" model TB-12 ...
and also owns the first of our new "WG- TB-2" models shown at top!
He recently told us that he was "enjoying using my DaviSound gear so much" ...
that he added a new TB-3 "WG" to his arsenal!
Our thanks and congratulations to Bryan Kay, Shoeshine Studio, Lansing, MI for becoming a mutliple Tool Box user!
This post from 30 year (plus) veteran sound engineer, Roly Mitton, his second on this page ... is in regard to our MP-3
"MasterPiece" Compressor module, the heart of our "DaviSmart" TB-2 and TB -3 compressors.
Roly, already complimenting his TB-6 on this page at an earlier date, has recently purchased a pair of the MP3 modules, with a DS Remote Power supply, and installed these, himself, into his own "home-brew" rack mount cabinet.
These were quickly field-tested upon completion, "baptism by fire", in application during his summer tour as sound tech for various concerts across parts of Canada.
Here is what he had to say ...
The DaviSound MP3 ("MasterPiece") Compressor modules are superb for bass and vocals.
The information supplied with the kits, along with the compress pot, recover pot and compress LED being supplied pre-wired, make child's play of rack mounting!
A fine product at a fair price.
I will be buying more.
Roly Mitton
2005 - Update -
Hi Hayne,
Just wanted to let you know that your comp on the snare this weekend is killer! Wasn't sure it would be
fast enough but it is terrific on snare .
Brad Sarno passes along a pair of comments about his pair of TB-4 "DaviShaper" EQs ...
Hayne. The EQ's are great. Very musical. Still haven't had time to use them
much yet so I'll report back the more I discover.
And, then later ...
Hey, sorry for the lack of reply, I'm just scattered and oh so busy. I've
playing around with the EQ's on a number of sources. It's just wonderful. It's
so musical and responsive.
I think that If I were to have a criticism at
this point it would be that the Q-ball has a bit too wide of a Q, but until I really
use it on a session and find it to be a problem I'll withold judgement.
I ran pink noise thru it and viewed it with my metering software. I did about an
8dB boost on each of the Musi-Q bands and the response of the pink noise was
dead flat across the spectrum, perfectly dead flat. Nice work Hayne!
Brad Sarno-
Chief Engineer
Angelfish Mastering
St. Louis, MO
This "DaviStory" comes in the form of a "review" from a new client who ... has sampled quite an array of assorted DaviSound gear!
The following comments from Eliott James, of Atlanta ... are excerpts from a complete review of our "DaviSnake" microphone ...
In my studio the primary use for this mic would be on acoustic guitar. I tested the DaviSnake against a ------- long known for it's use on acoustic instruments.
Because the DaviSnake uses a wind screen, I put the included foam windscreen on the ----. Both mics were input into a ----- mic pre, through a ----- Stereo ADC, into -----, recording at 24 bit/44.1. Levels were balanced by placing each mic 12" from a small speaker and test tones were recorded.
I then placed each mic 12" from the neck, aimed at the 14th fret of a Martin D1 steel string acoustic guitar and played soft, fingered picked parts and hard strumming.
The material was varied to include fast changes, slow picking, high notes and open bass strings.
So How Did it Sound?
The DaviSnake has a more open sound than the ----.
This is especially evident in the high frequencies. On the hard strumming parts the ---- would muddy up, where the DaviSnake would present a far more detailed sound. The ---- sounded good on the soft, finger picked parts, but in A/B comparisons ... the DaviSnake sounded even better.
It gave a more realistic representation of the guitar when played back through the monitors, seeming to me to be uncolored.
What also surprised me was the DaviSnake was more detailed when recording the test tones. I used Stereophile's Test CD 3, tracks 22 - 26, which are 1kHz squarewave, multi-tone signal with octave spacing, 1kHz spacing, 500Hz spacing ... and 500Hz spacing with gaps. I didn't expect to hear clear differences between the mics during the tones, but I did. The DaviSnake was more detailed with a wider response.
Bottom Line ...
The DaviSnake out-performed the ---- on acoustic guitar. It simply sounds more open, detailed and natural. Mounted on a gooseneck it allows for more flexibilty in mic placement. It sells (direct from DaviSound) for $___, against the ------ at $___. This makes the DaviSnake a clear winner. I highly recommend it.
Eliott James
Erik Sanchez reports on his initial experiences with his custom TB-6 with added balanced instrument inputs ...
Hi Hayne,
I finally made all the cables I needed to get my toolbox running. So,
I started off by recording a guitar track. Well, my mic sounded a lot
clearer and brighter.
Then I layed down a conga track. Again, the
sound was clean and the slaps and pops were more articulate.
So, next
I put down a drum track with only 2 overhead mics, well the drums
sounded punchier and the cymbals sizzeld a little more then usual.
Then I layed down a bass track via the instrument input. Well I
really loved the sound I got. I recently put a new pre-amp in my
bass and the TB6 just helped bring out my tone. The bass sounded
really smooth, thick and punchy through your pre-amp. And it sits in
the mix better then my A------ D---- 5 tube pre-amp that's made for
recording bass. I'm really loving my bass through this box.
So then
I started tracking, piano, rhodes, clavi, organ, strings via the
instrument inputs (i'm glad i decided to have these put in.) Well
through this busy mix all the instruments were easier to place in
mix and stood out better.
This Tool Box is definately better then the
pre's I already have. I'm thinking about selling the pre's I
currently have to get anotherTool Box.
Erik Sanchez
This endorsement for our TB-6 comes from way out in Yukon Territory !
Hayne Davis is offering a world class preamp in the Davisound TB6.
These preamps are on the same page as every industry standard preamp used for
Tests were done with a U67 for voice and a KM56 for acoustic guitar.
Hayne's personal involvment with my purchase and his followup inquiries are
most appreciated!
Roly Mitton
Whitehorse, Canada
This unsolicited endorsement was from Leon Dorsey after receiving and using his new TB-6. He enthusiastically told us that he would like to recommend our products so we are most pleased to include his comments here!
Hi Hayne,
You are right, it was "well worth the wait"! We tried it with a U67 and a 149 on tenor saxophone and bass and it was fabulous! I now have ... (he lists several brand names which include the industry's most publicized and most expensive preamps) and yours is every bit as good, if not better, than those more expensive units. As a matter of fact, after hearing your piece, I'm thinking of liquidating some of them!
I took a chance on you guys not having seen or heard anything in advance but, again, it is fabulous! Thanks again!
Leon Lee Dorsey
Producer/ Composer
PH1 Recording Studios
New York City
New York City Musician, Arranger, Recordist, Jim Finn shares his extensive, comparative experience with the TB-6 ...
I have tried just about every mic pre on the market and the TB-6 hangs in there with the best of them. The sound is very natural and fits into a mix easily. I have used it on drums, acoustic guitar, sax, flute, and upright bass w/ tube,condenser, and dynamic mics. If you are interested in recording acoustic music, this very musical mic pre would be an excellent choice. I am looking forward to trying other DaviSound products in the future. Thank you Hayne, Jim Finn
New York, NY
One of our later Tool Box introductions was the TB-10 "DaviSource" 2 channel Microphone
amplifier with VU meters and 2 instrument inputs in a large "WG" case ...
Here is what the new owner wrote to us about it ...
First ...This note to let us know it had arrived ...
Love it!
If this thing sounds half as good as it looks, man am I in for a treat...
She's a Beaut!.... By far the best looking piece of gear in my studio...
Then a little later ... after "fire-up" ....
It was
only a quick test, but I did do a very brief A/B with my
"------" Board (Pre amps) and the TB-10 blew them away!...
I went into this blindly and very apprehensive.... I was in the same
situation as buying a car without properly test driving it...
I didn't know you guys, in fact, I never even really heard about you
until a few days prior to my order...
I figured if it was better than my "-----", I would be very pleased,
cause I am pleased with my "-----" board.... Turns out it is WAY
BETTER than my "-----" !
I am one damn happy customer!
Joe Bochek
Studio Plus Stoney Creek, Ontario
The DaviSound "MIC-ALL" preamplifier design continues to draw praise from users from many varied directions.
It is produced as an encapsulated module known as the DaviSound MasterPieces MP-2 which is utilized in our TB-3, TB-5, TB-6, TB-10 and TB-12 Tool Boxes, in many of our custom preamps and as a building block for do-it-yourself construction.
This is from Skip Beach in regard to his application of our MIC-ALL amp, in the form of MasterPieces MP-2 modules, which he used to build his own preamp for producing impeccable quality archive recordings for Public Radio.
I finally got all the power supply parts in & put it all together two
weeks ago & have been having great fun ever since. The 1st real test was
recording a chamber music concert on March 14th. I was delighted with the
unit's performance - clean, clear, quiet, accurate, revealing - all one
would want in a mic preamp for this rather delicate kind of recording.
These preamps have no RF interference, no hum, no buzz, at full gain with
the input loaded at 200 ohms. The signal clarity is exceptional - with an
ORTF stereo matched mic pair, imaging is wide, deep, & precise....
I'm very, very happy with the
performance of the MP-2 modules - I've never heard (or used) better. People
that have seen this finished preamp have "oohhed & aahhed" at how it looks,
but much more importantly, the chamber music players I recorded were
delighted with the recorded sound of their instruments and the smooth &
clear representation of their performances. I couldn't ask for or expect any
better than that.
Thanks again,
Skip Beach
Production Department
Jon Simpson tells us about his first experience with his custom TB-6 ...
I have finally had a chance to do some
recording using the TB-6 (which, again, by the way, I think looks great -
simple, straightforward, but at the same time neat and classy).
It's nice to be able to say that I have a
preamp now where I can truly appreciate the differences in tone between my
different mics. It is, in my case, the most transparent mic amp I have used
and has enough gain for me to use my old ribbon mic though it.
I have yet to give the instrument channels a complete test drive, so I'll get
back to you on those. So far I've used the preamp primarily for vocals (again,
it's nice to be able to hear how the characteristics of a vocal tone change
through different mics - something not as easily appreciated with a
less-transparent preamp).
Honestly, I can't wait to try drums through this
(which is why I needed this many preamps), not to mention mic'd acoustic guitar.
Thanks for your craftwork on this unit - it was money very well-spent.
Jon Simpson- CA
Justin Anderson about his used DaviSound Custom Control Center Integrated Amp for home use ...
The doorman called this AM and told me I had a package waiting since last Friday and would I like to pick it up. After the battle that ensued I got and unwrapped the amp.
Thanks for all the cosmetic work.
The clarity and purity are outrageous - I certainly agree that you could hear things that other units left out. Is there any way to biamp my speakers with this unit?
This unit sounds great - any more like it around?
Thanks again,
Justin Anderson
New York, NY
And, Weston Ray has this to offer about his TB-8 Monitor Amp ...
The amp got here safe and sound and I HIGHLY doubt it looks or sounds
different than last time you saw it.
Quite a nice packaging job. Oh my how
it looks A LOT better "in person"! VERY nice work my friend! I can ONLY
imagine the TB-1!
What can I say? I started playing with the amp and it sucked me in. Next
thing I know it's been nearly 5 hours!
MY GOSHHH !!! That is some amp! I now know EXACTLY what your son is talking
about - hearing things you've never heard before on your favorite
Talk about CLEAN and ... "Is it even on?" ... QUIET ! Heck, I can turn the
amp ALL THE WAY up and can't even tell it's on unless I look at the power
LED on the amp .
In fact, the amp has made such an impression on me that I just can't seem to
bypass the idea of possibly using it as my near-field monitor amp in the
To show how crazy I have gone: Right now, I'm using ( ---------------- )
biamped powered monitors and I'm thinking of selling them in order to buy the
non-powered versions to use with the amp. Better yet, take the amp down to
the local pro audio shop and listen to the amp powering various sets of
monitors to see which work best with the amp.
Weston Ray
Over the years, Weston ( Weston Ray of Weston House Recording) has continually been one of our most enthusiastic supporters and endorsers as well as becoming a true, long-time friend and "penpal" in the process. Recently (summer 2020), he sent this photo of his rack of recovered DaviSound gear. If you look closely, you will see that it's a bit dusty and some of the units have missing or broken knobs. This is because the gear had been stored at his former studio after he vacated it some years ago in preparation for building a gorgeous new studio in a new location close to his home. Due to "red tape" technicalities with the former landlord, he was just recently able to obtain access and reclaim some of his neglected DaviSound gear collection mounted in the rack shown below. He is currently in the process of cleaning and refurbishing all of the
units. Although Weston owns other units and DaviSound microphones besides this collection shown here, we were MOST glad to see him welcome home these "prodigal" pieces missing from his collection!
The TB-8 referred to in the letter above is mounted at the top of the rack.
And, more praise from yet another "do-it-yourselfer" discovering a new world with MP-2
MasterPieces and DaviSound Tech Reports. We're especially proud of Ed Wray since he took our materials and, starting as a complete "newbie" (his description), he built his first project - his own high quality preamp!
First comes his comment about our Tech Reports that helped him get started and gain confidence ...
I am really jazzed about the info
imparted in your
Tech Reports! Before I read it I was completely baffled. The
other day I
picked up the schematic to my Music Man guitar head and could
actually read
the thing. It's totally op-amp in the pre leading to tube
power amp stage,
not even that complicated now that I know what I'm looking at.
I'm very
Then, just a SHORT while later, after a little "coaching" via email exchange ... we were glad to get this report in regard to his first "fire-up" of his MasterPieces MP-2 modules ...
I added the cap to the ps (took about 10 minutes) and hooked the pre to the DAW. The meter was banging red at about 10 or 11 o'clock on the +4db setting with the D112. Talk about bang for the buck! (I couldn't help it)Tried out the phantom power with one of the condensers. That worked fine.
I then hooked the pre up to the PA power amp running an SM58, straight in, no eq. The improvement in presence and richness of tone was quite evident over the --------- mixer that we normally use. My band mates made unsolicited comments to this effect as well. I haven't hooked up our best mike yet. That will happen the next time we record. I expect a major improvement here as well. This project is coming together very nicely!
Ed Wray
121 Records (Project Studio)
Cavepainter (Band)
Oakland, CA
We will be adding more comments here from time to time ... We would like to have YOURS among them!
We encourage all of our clients to send us your comments, photos and sound samples, whenever
you can!
Thank you all for sharing and reading and ... PLEASE RETURN OFTEN!
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