''DaviSoapBox'' !
Occasional Observations and Editorials
from Hayne Davis
All content Copyright © 2025 by Hayne Davis''Always Remember Beaver...
True is True and False is False.
Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong.
No matter how many may deny it." - Ward CleaverPowered By
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MAGA = Make America Go Away
The new America ...
where criminals are rewarded
and the honest are punished!DEDICATED TO DEPROGRAMMING
Although they will likely never read it...
Or if they do, never understand it!
But we will continue to try...
calling attention to the obvious ...
for the oblivious!
Learn To Read ...
''COUNTRY BEFORE PARTY!'' - George Washington
then Read To Learn...
PAGE INDEX- 2025-1
2-2-25 DaviState Of The Union I 2-4-25 DaviSamples I 2-10-25 DaviScolded ! I 2-14-25 ''DaviSensored''? & DaviSuggestions I 2-20-25 DaviShamed ? I 3-1-25 DaviSmall DaviSafeguard I 3-8-25 DaviSenseless ? I 3-15-25 DaviSanders? & DaviSerious! I 3-23-25 DaviSanctions? I
In this era of PuTrumpElon ...
Aspire to be a Zelensky !
PREFACE: (Or ''Mission Statement'' as they say nowadays)...
ADDENDUM ( March 2025)- Since these single pages tend to grow significantly with each added post, it was decided that a new page will be started with each new quarter to minimize lengthy scrolling and with a smaller index links list. They will be labelled by year and quarter (Example-2025-1, 2025-2, etc. through 4.). Each archived quarter/year can/will be reaccessed from the index in the current home page.
A little, out front, about the author of this webpage and it's purpose. I am Hayne Davis, a lifelong media professional in all aspects from the creative side (writing, producing for radio, TV and film, commercial advertising, radio programming and consulting etc.) to the technical side (audio engineering and electronics design). I helped build one commercial radio station (WIXE, Monroe, NC-1968) and completely built another (WNMX-''MIX106'' FM, Newberry, SC-1988). Through my business, MCP DaviSound, I wrote, produced and consulted for over 1200 broadcast stations worldwide. Often, these associations required me to originate and write editorials for broadcast. So, I suppose I will always be an ''old editorialist'' at heart.
As many who read these pages may find ironic, if you read of my ''political evolution'' elsewhere herein, most of my early, young adult editorials often took a most conservative stance in those days! It basically evolved something like- politically critical altogether, to more traditional ''liberal critical'', to finally more traditional ''conservative critical'. Now it is simply critical of the right wing EXTREMISTS trying to turn our country into a full blown autocracy! I like to think that I, myself, did not ''evolve'' so much as did the political and social environments around me which shaped the shifts in my views over the years. I think we need more of that ability, for all people to recognize, that you should NOT be glued to a ''party'' or ''ideology'' just for the sake of it no matter how much it changes or what kind of demagogue takes it over!
2025 is the year of my 77th birthday so I have definitely been alive on the planet long enough, lived through and experienced enough, to offer some, hopefully valuable, insights regarding the current situations we find ourselves in. Over the past four years (as of 2025) I have endured THREE heart attacks (one major), two heart catheterizations, and triple by-pass open heart surgery. I currently still operate my audio engineering company, DaviSound on a limited basis and each month I post a monthly News Updates page from my website there.
In recent months, based on all the chaos happening with our government and our democracy, I just could not help but use that forum to comment on what I saw happening to my beloved country since it affected me greatly (and should affect ALL of us!) in every aspect of my life including my work. I never intended for the DaviSound News Updates page to evolve into the direction of ''politics'' or commentary on any other topics besides audio and electronic media. So, with that in mind, and at the encouragement of some family, friends, and even some recent inquirors, I decided to create this site dedicated solely to those topics while keeping them completely OUT of the DaviSound News Updates! Thus, here we are now ...on the new DaviSoapBox!
The format of this page will be presented, very much like the DaviSound News Updates page just mentioned. Each new post will be dated and placed at the top of the page just above the prior post. All posts will be indexed so that they may be accessed individually from the top of the page or the entire page of prior posts may, of course, be scrolled. There will be no regular posting schedule since I expect to present them as time permits and/or as occasion may necessitate...most likely on a weekly basis or thereabout but no regular schedule. I ask that you please bookmark this page and please share it with anyone you feel may be interested. It would also be MOST helpful to share it with friends who ''need it'' if you know what I mean (those well meaning friends, and family, we all have who ''keep on drinking the MAGA cult Kool Aid''!). As one of my readers once pointed out- Those who really NEED to read and consider what you are saying will never even see it!
Several of the aquaintances, who I just mentioned suggested that I start this new endeavor, also recommended that I do a PODCAST. That would certainly seem to be a ''natural'' for me given my broadcast and audio background. I may just, possibly, include that, at least from time to time, in the future and it would be called ''DaviSoundOff'. However, recording audio and uploading it is very time consuming and I do not need to have my, already limited, work time much further disrupted. Therefore, I may just stick to the written word, for the most part anyway. Besides, I feel that too many ''Podcasts'', to use the old adage, ''just go in one ear and out the other'' whereas the written word gives one time to ponder, reference and easily access and share.
At the beginning, to initiate things here, I will be including some of my most recent past posts from my DaviSound News Updates page to get things started so that you will ''know where I'm coming from'' as they say.
I also feel the need to emphasize here, in this prelude, that it is important, more important nowadays than EVER, to be able to differentiate between political propaganda and honest commentary. I WILL be offering the latter! I hope that ANYONE who happens upon my writings here will have the common sense to distinguish between the two! Nowadays, if you criticize one side of the political spectrum you are automatically aligned with the other. This itself is one of my MAIN PET PEAVES! I will be largely criticising the FAR RIGHT side of the political spectrum simply because they are the ones that have EARNED the criticism by their actions. Recognizing and pointing out the obvious does NOT make me simply ''one of them'' (meaning the OTHER side). That's much of the whole problem - one ''side'' versus the other ''side''. My agenda will be on the side of FACT and TRUTH! If the facts and the TRUTH go against one ''side'' or the other than so be it. This does NOT necessarily relegate me to the ''left'' side of the spectrum just because the currently disgusting TRUTH about the ''right'' side deserves to be told! But, when I see the ''left'' screwing up (and they DO), I will be honestly pointing that out as well!
Truthfully, this is NOT about right versus left or, really, not about political platforms or even ideology. Things have become MUCH more serious than that now in this country! We are motivated by urgent concern for our way of life and our way of government as a whole- NOT by some political party agenda! And, too, my concerns for our grandchildren and the environment they will inherit, as well as the future of the planet as a whole, are no less a concern. Renewable energy is a LONG TIME passion of mine and the ONLY logical salvation of mankind's future! Therefore, we MUST fight to promote and protect the move towards renewable energy also!
As most of my readers know, I am MOST against HYPOCRISY, double standards and the distortion of facts to suit one's ''side''. Unfortuntely, today one does not have to look far to see that this is a CONSTANT method of operation for those on the right side of the political spectrum. So, that being the case, they will be the ones having THEIR hypocrisies and lies, of their OWN MAKING, called out! Alec Baldwin in his satirical portrayal of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live once gave one of the funniest, but simultaneously MOST ACCURATE, lines of any of his performances. In a mock press conference he was asked, ''Mr. President, why is it that you hate all the media besides Fox News?" His answer was, "Because you report on all the things I say and all the things that I do!" That simple line was BRILLIANT, and kudos to whoever wrote it, because it says so much in so few words! The honest networks simply show the buffoon being himself! Unfortunately, Fox News did not/does not simply report on, or show video of, Donald Trump, or his chronies, as they really are. That network was designed STRICTLY as a propaganda machine and, as obvious as it may be to all but the gullible, unfortunately there are too many gullible viewers in America today.
That outfit alone, along with a few little copycat wannabes, has done more to destroy America than any other single entity over the past several decades! It is what they were designed for and, unfortunately, they do it fairly well. President Obama once famously said, ''If all I did was watch Fox News for my news source, I wouldn't like me either!". That being the case, this forum will undoubtedly be calling out Fox News, it's tabloid styled hosts and it's millions of ''brainwashed'' viewers quite often! They also had much to do with me increasingly distancing myself from the ''political right'' over the years since I, along with any other reasonable person, easily saw through them as being as believable as a televised fake wrestling match. My wife and I spend FAR too much of our time pondering and lamenting the fact that so many well meaning, otherwise honest Americans now align themselves with a movement so OBVIOUSLY WRONG and DANGEROUSLY opposed to fact and truth as well as right over wrong! America is now, so sadly, becoming very much like Nazi Germany in the late '30s with much of it's citizenry following behind a glorified, self-serving, imbecile-bully narcissist, with his oligarch chronies, and there is no doubt that Fox News has much to do with that!
In wrapping up this prelude, let me point out that this site is totally INDEPENDENT! It is my OWN PERSONAL endeavor and any and ALL views presented here are my own. I am not beholding to ANY advertiser, corporation, political entity etc etc or anyone else WHATEVER! You will NOT find any data hogging scripts, No PopUps, NO COOKIES, first, second or third party or otherwise! I will NOT be mining and selling your data! You will find this site/page instantly loading with NOTHING running in the background! I type all of my content myself in Windows notepad text editor and use the good old fashioned hyper text markup language- HTML. I try to proofread but, since my text editor has no spellcheck, please expect and overlook typos from time to time!
Finally (for this preface that is), let me point out that I do this largely to try and help maintain my own sanity in what I see as INSANE times! I know that if it were not for a few encouragers who I hear from occasionally, and without the likes of (fellow South Carolinian) Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel (I watch the former live and the latter afterwards on YouTube-daily!) I would never have survived the first Trump administration let alone another one! When you have overwhelmingly deep concerns about what you observe going on day in and day out, it just helps to get things off your chest, so to speak, and to at least TRY to make a positive difference by keeping FACT and TRUTH at the forefront and DOCUMENTING IT in some way...Thus- my ''DaviSoundOff''' with 'DaviSoapBox''! Thank you so much for joining me here and I hope you will let me hear from you!
My business email address is Hayne at DaviSound dot com
My personal email address is LHD521 at Yahoo dot com
My phone number- for texts only- is 803-944-7972.
(email addresses spelled out to avoid spam robots)
I welcome your comments and suggestions!
If you would like to see these efforts continue, please share a link to this page! And, should you like to make a contribution to help maintain the site (we accept NO advertising and display NO advertising, and share/sell NO DATA whatsoever! This site is TOTALLY SELF SUPPORTED!)...
then please hit the ''DONATE'' button below to make a PayPal donation. ALL DONATIONS ARE DISCREET, SAFE AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL! Thank you VERY much for ANY support!
The new government ...
OF the Billionaires,
FOR the Billionaires,
BY the Billionaires!
3-23-25 DaviSanctions?
I know...
I said that I was likely NOT going to make another post for the duration of March. HOWEVER...here it is! This one WILL be VERY BRIEF though, so, please, just scroll to the other posts below after reading this little ''injection'', especially my one just prior, and especially if you are a newcomer here.
For those of you old enough to remember Rod Serling's Twilight Zone which aired in glorious black and white back in the 60's (and still in syndication today so I imagine most have, at least, heard of it), you will recall a very special episode, which has become something of a ''cult classic'', entitled ''The Good Life''. In this original story written by Serling himself, a very young Ohio farm boy named Anthony Fremont found that he had superior telekinetic POWERS but, at the same time, he lacked emotional and mental development and was something of a spoiled brat. In fact, it was so much so that he kept the family and neighbors terrified that they might displease him in some trivial way whereby he would whimsically ''wish them into the cornfield'' never to be seen again!
Does that behavior remind you of anybody? Yes, it is a perfect metaphor for the current ''Felon In Chief'' who is now squatting in the White House! All credible, professional Trump observers have agreed that he displays the average mental capability and emotional temperament of a typical ''spoiled brat'', seven year-old ''bully''. And, his allies, fellow Republicans and most anyone, it seems, who might have some business relation or interaction with him now or in the future, are all cowering down exactly like Anthony's peers in the Twilight Zone episode lest they be ''wished away into Trump's cornfield''! Trump and enablers have seen to it that he now enjoys unprecedented, frightening, unbridled POWER, but we all know that, just like Anthony, he doesn't have the ''emotional temperament and mental capacity'' to handle it!
I thought of this today when I read of yet another Trump threat against our society and the rule of law, this time in the form of ''SANCTIONS'' against law firms who had, in any way, worked in any capacity that HE considered unfavorable to ''his highness''! There is a lot of fancy language, of course, around this latest directive but what it boils down to is the same old ''don't rile Trump in any way or he'll go after you in every way'' threat! And, it seems that it is working.Trump just targeted the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP for ''investigative review'' against their government contracts. The firm immediately conceded by agreeing to provide PRO BONO (FREE) work for any of the Trump administration's efforts whereby Trump immediately, thereafter, rescinded the order keeping the law firm ''out of his cornfield'' for the time being.
When questioned about this and the many other firms he has been threatening of late Trump replied, ''Those law firms did bad things. Bad things. They went after me for years''. Rod Serling couldn't have written it any better....for a seven year old. He also went on to say that those are ''very sophisticated people'' who are also ''open to making deals''. Naturally, that is the latest ''threat and release'' tactic... scare all associates into doing whatever he commands and he'll ''reward you'' by not harassing you until you step out of line again by going against him in any manner his whims may dictate. It's the latest version of his ''art of the deal'' (from the bottom of the deck, of course!).
This is just ONE MORE example of the many ways our society, government, rule of law, constitution, and democracy are all being ''bullied'' into oblivion by Trump and ''COUPany''. It continues every day, folks. Just PLEASE keep your eyes open, PAY ATTENTION and SPREAD THE WORD! Then, whenever you get a chance, by all means PLEASE SPEAK OUT AGAINST THIS EVIL!
In closing, here is a little web page that I saw years ago which I stumbled upon again just a little while ago. I think some of you may find it very interesting as it was a chronicle of Trump's atrocities which occurred around his first term (not sure if the author will ever update to the present but if you ever need a refresher of the last go 'round, this is a good read!) LEST WE FORGET .
So that's about it for this little ''vignette broadcast''. Please ''tune in'' again next time, whenever I can make it happen.
Thanks again,
Hayne Davis
If you would like to see these efforts continue, please share a link to this page! And, should you like to make a contribution to help maintain the site (we accept NO advertising and display NO advertising, and share/sell NO DATA whatsoever! This site is TOTALLY SELF SUPPORTED!)...
then please hit the ''DONATE'' button below to make a PayPal donation. ALL DONATIONS ARE DISCREET, SAFE AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL! Thank you VERY much for ANY support!
The new government ...
OF the Billionaires,
FOR the Billionaires,
BY the Billionaires!
3-15-25 DaviSanders? & DaviSerious!
(And EVERY OTHER DAY under the new TYRANNY!)
When I was waking up from the anesthesia from my triple by-pass open-heart surgery in October of 2021, they asked me the traditional question, ''Mr. Davis, who is the current president?'' My instant reply was, ''THANK GOD IT'S NOT TRUMP!". This got a few laughs from the staff but I was not intending it to be funny! I was dead serious (as well as being in a LOT of pain at the moment- just glad I wasn't ''seriously dead''! )
Unfortunately, we can no longer have that reassuring reality of a ''non-Trump'' presidency and, if he has his way, we'll never be able to say that again as long as he lives! In my last effort (below), I mentioned that someone had once said that I was ''over-reacting'' when voicing my concerns about our democracy disappearing. Well, in this edition I REALLY plan to ''over-react'' so, as we always said in radio...please stay tuned!
First, since this edition is essentially a continuation of the last one, if you missed the last one I ask that you please scroll, or link, below for that prior entry. In fact, if you are a newcomer here I hope that you will consider reviewing ALL the prior posts so far since each new one often builds on the others before it. I know that is suggesting quite a LOT of reading but, hopefully, you will find the effort worthwhile! I have also just added an ''addendum'' to the preface regarding the new format for archiving past pages so, even if you are a regular reader, I ask that you refresh yourself with the preface for any edits there.
Stats indicate that we ARE growing ''slowly but surely'' each time I check them so, for that, I am most grateful and thank all of you for your help by sharing links etc. One reader sent me a text awhile back saying that she did not know HOW to share the link since I did not have a ''form'' for it . For those who may not know, you can share a link from your browser several ways. The old manual way is to simply copy and paste from the URL in the browser window to your ''clipboard'' (when you click ''copy'' the copied text is automatically in your ''clipboard''). Then you simply open your text app or your email and ''paste'' the link from the clipboard there. Of course there are STILL those who use a phone browser or computer who simply do not yet know how to ''copy and paste''. Most current browsers have a built-in ''share'' method usually located in the upper right corner in the form of the ''three dot'' menu or with an ''arrow icon''. The CHROME browser I am using on my computer has a small arrow icon beside the bookmark star. Clicking this arrow icon will provide a drop-down menu that allows you to either copy the browser URL link to the clipboard or also share to any selected social media platform. The Chrome browser on my Android phone allows you to share from the three dot menu in the upper right corner by simply touching the three dots thereby opening the drop down menu window. Hopefully these tips will help any reader who may not be computer/phone savy and not used to sharing web pages.
Throughout these posts, including the preface, I have sporadically hinted at my own ''political evolution''. I think this is important since, if for no other reason, it should point out to those lifelong ''conservatives'', who now find themselves questioning what they see their fellow ''conservatives'' doing to our government, that it is possible to, rightfully, ''outgrow'' old ways of thinking and believing. I was always a political ''skeptic'', or more appropriately ''cynic'', in my younger days, not really identifying with any particular party or ideology. However, if I had been forced to choose one in those days it would have, no doubt, been the GOP just like most everyone else around me in my home state. In fact, when I first began doing political commentary on the radio most of my efforts actually targeted the Democrats in those days. This was well before the likes of Rush Limbaugh and similar monikers. But, as I mentioned before, the political environs began to change and the more I started to pay attention and observe, the more I realized that the ''typical self-serving, hypocritical politician types'' that I had always despised were now most often aligining with the Republican party.
I also saw that there were, indeed, some genuinely service-minded ''states-persons'' in the Democratic party who were NOT running to glorify themselves, or to accept lobbyist bribes etc., but to actualy SERVE the constituents who elected them. This is not to say that ALL Democrats in congress are there for the right reasons but I am suggesting that you will find far more honest, dedicated representives on the LEFT nowadays with practically NO decent ones left on the right. Those ''on the right'' now demonstrate their spineless cowardice and double-standard hypocrisy on a near daily basis under the new regime, deliriously applauding and sucking up to their ''Felon-in Chief'' leader at every opportunity! The fact that a true wacko like Marjorie Taylor Greene can even exist in Congress, let alone continually be accepted and supported, tells you all you need to know about today's GOP and it's voters! That being the case, why would ANY sincere person who was paying attention, and who valued character and honesty, as well as common sense, above all other qualities in a politician, NOT decide to move away from the GOP? This was exactly what happened in my case. If you want to read more about my background in this regard, if you missed it before, you can find it here- 2-4-25 DaviSamples. The point is, you do NOT have to remain faithful to a political party which is no longer faithful to you and your core beliefs, just because ''that's the way it's always been''! Of course, what is happeniong today is WAY BEYOND any political extreme ever witnessed in this country in my lifetime! So, NOTHING is any longer ''just the way it has always been''! ''Serious'' is just TOO MILD a word to decribe it!
I bring all of this up just to get to the ''theme'' of this edition, Senator Bernie Sanders. Decades ago, I would never have thought that I would admire, or endorse, someone who has been labeled a ''socialist'' (which is actually a term that is quite misunderstood by most as there are DIFFERENT forms of ''socialism''). I first became more aware of Bernie Sanders back in 2016 when he ran for president. He had a way of making a point that stuck and he came across GENUINE in his passion for his beliefs. He was clearly NOT the ''typical politician'' in it ''for the money'' or the ''power''. In fact, he was outspokenly AGAINST big money politics, lobbyists and corporate sponsorship! The more I LISTENED to Bernie, the more I found myself identifying with his principles!
Of course, I learned that he was labeled as a ''demonic socialist'' by his adversaries simply because he supported universal health care (just like EVERY OTHER free democracy on the planet utilizes EXCEPT the United States!) and believed that corporations should pay their fair share of taxes and provide a decent wage and benefits to their employees. WHO in their right mind wouldn't agree with these so-called ''socialist'' ideals (except for the exploitative insurance companies and corporate boards/CEOs, of course!)? He describes himself as aligned with ''social democracy'' with an emphasis on DEMOCRACY! Before you criticize this stance too harshly, or perceive it as somehow ''evil'', do some research and reading on just WHAT ''social'' democracy is versus ''socialist'' democracy.
As of this writing, Bernie has become something of a hero amongst an unlikely following- Republican voters in ''red states''! If you have been keeping up, Senator Sanders has been deliberately focusing his attention on these GOP ''hotbeds'' which are now being neglected by their own Republican representatives. His rallies have been drawing MANY THOUSANDS of angry voters at every stop some crowds far exceeding all projections and expectations. Now, consider this- he is NOT doing this for ANY personal gain. The 83 year old heart patient is out there because of his GENUINE CONCERN for the neglected citizens of these districts and because he sees the TRUTH for what it is, that America is now already becoming and authoritarian oligarchy! He vows to stop it and I, like his new supporters, certainly hope that he has a plan because nobody else seems to. Bernie is not out there on the road ''politicking'' I assure you. He is simply trying to educate the populace on the seriousness of what is taking place in our country and let the people know that he is doing what he can to fight for them even though they were voters for the opposing party! Meanwhile their own ''representatives'' are running and hiding from them!
Unfortunately so MANY people are just not paying close attention to the factual reality of what is going on right now just as I once largely ignored the news of the day in my younger days. Also, many of those who are watching the ''news'' are getting a ''white-washed'' (pun optional!) version, or outright propaganda, from Fox News and their copycats. I was absolutely SICKENED by a clip I saw the other day of a Fox News commentator trying to spin the current situation and still blame the ''Biden Economy'' for the results of the impending ''Trump Tax''! I am even more sickend by the fact that so MANY Americans still buy into this crap and continue to watch these ''S--t Shows'' on Fox News, and the like, over and over. It continually boggles my mind how ANYONE can be this shallow and gullible! But, as mentioned in many previous posts, SO MANY (at least half!) in this country apparently have no ability to reason, or separate fact from fiction, or reality from fantasy! That's the scary part of this whole thing! I do assure you, that if you ARE a reasonable person who is paying attention to the REAL state of affairs now going on in Washington, you will agree with me that ''over reacting'' to what is happening is hardly possible! There have NEVER been worse times and threats to our American democracy and to our society than right now! Then, to see this constant ''BS'' spin by the White House press secretary (who is quickly casting herself as one of the most repulsive actors ever in the Trump clique), and all the rest of these right wing liars and propagandists, TRULY IS SICKENING (no other way to put it)! It is, furthermore, a glaring insult to all caring, intelligent observers who have to be subjected to it!
Meanwhile, in REAL news not covered by ''Fox And Friends'', The Environmental Protection Agency was just forced to cancel $20 billion in badly needed climate grants (why not cancel Musk's contracts for a REAL affective budget cut?). A federal agency dedicated to mental health and addiction now faces huge cuts and Musk suggested this week (as of this writing) that his team would scrutinize Social Security and entitlement spending. They also plan to fire about half the Social Security staff , illegally of course, and if they get away with it, millions of us will have delayed, or LOST benefits sooner than later!
As incredible as it may sound to some of you, I am truly starting to think that the worst possible scenario might actually come to pass. You see, as stupid as Trump is, I do not think that even he would intentionally dismantle the entire American government, replacing all agency heads and important staff with his political puppet stooges, without having some sort of specific goal in mind. Remember his typical modus operandi that we've mentioned before ...''create a problem in order to 'solve it' ''. I am actually afraid that, if he can get away with it, he plans to collapse the whole shebang, ALL supportive and watchdog agencies, the Social Security System, the economy as a whole, EVERYTHING. Then, since he is gutting the military of responsible leadership and replacing them with his like-minded criminal puppets including his new ''Secretary Of Defense'', he can declare martial law at will (with no responsible majority in Congress to stop him) claiming that only he can ''solve the problem'' and bring things ''back to normal''. This ''new normal'' will be the complete stripping down of the U.S. government and ''selling the pieces for scrap'' to the highest private bidder with the U.S. military now enforcing the completed coup! I believe that he fully expects to be a PERMANENT ''ruler'' now for as long as he chooses possibly handing down the ''crown'' to the successor of his choosing (Don Junior or Elon?)! Remember too that the Project 2025 crowd has promised a ''new bloodless revolution'' which they will accomplish ''without firing a shot if the Democrats stay out of the way''!
Now, I know that some of this may sound extreme to some of you. But, look at the evidence so far. You just don't do what he and his enablers have done so far without some extreme end goal in mind! This ''Project 2025'' bunch has been planning and preparing for this the past four years and beyond and it is unfolding faster than anyone could imagine. I am REALLY AND TRULY afraid that what I have just described is what is on the table! OVER-REACTING? I honestly hope that I am. But, every day I see us moving closer and closer to this total destruction of America as we have always known it. Our allies see it too! The Europeans are shoring up their defenses and internal alliances while the Canadians are actually beginning to entertain the idea that Trump may actually end up trying to INVADE Canada just as his pal Putin did with Ukraine! Of course Greenland and Panama are also in the sights!
I am starting to think that things are much more serious than any of us could ever have imagined and I believe that Bernie Sanders, in his heart of hearts, sees this very possibility unfolding also! That's why he is out there fighting to the best of his ability since the ONLY way to stop such an event is for ALL AMERICANS to unite and form a resistance against these would-be tyrants ! Meanwhile, most Democrats, with the exception of some governors, are NOT organizing, do NOT have a true LEADER and are just sitting back, making a few speeches here and there, and hoping that the new regime will simply implode by itself. I'm not so sure that will happen this go 'round. I'm truly afraid that it is the entire country that might ''implode'' by their intent and far sooner than any of us could have ever imagined! So, isn't it better to OVER react than UNDER react? NO DOUBT!
There is a wonderful movement arising now, however, by the other half, the TRUE PATRIOTIC HALF, of the populace in our country as they start to protest in the streets by the thousands! Of course, Trump and COUPany are threatening to classify these first admendment right protests as ''terror attacks'' so that they can mobilize the military against them in true dictatorship fashion. I have scanned the three major news networks night after night hoping to see SOME coverage of this vast movement going on in virtually EVERY state in the country right now to NO AVAIL! If there has been ANY coverage, I have not seen it! Of course, there has been little or no coverage of the new ''Bernie phenomenon'' either.Thankfully, we now have the independent media podcasters on YouTube etc. and, at least, MSNBC and CNN have provided some coverage. I, again, recommend the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC as one of the only REAL news shows worth watching on TV these days with her HONEST, thorough analysis of each day's activities.
Another interesting ''good side'' to this is most OTHER countries now seeing ''Trump & COUPany'' for just what they are. They have given many populations abroad a real adversary to organize against. Now they’re backing the leaders who take a stand against the Trump regime!. This is a phenomenon known in political science as the ''rally ’round the flag'' effect. When a country faces a crisis, public support for the leader or the current governing party typically rises and never before as greatly as it has against Trump!
In Mexico, their president's popularity is now up to 80% as a result of her stand against the Trump regime. In Canada, the governing Liberals seemed on the verge of a major election defeat. However, in the last few weeks, as Trump drummed up the tariffs, the Liberal party’s polling has rebounded by at least 10 points. In the race for prime minister, the Liberal, Carney is now running ahead in most polls.
In Britain, Starmer has been careful not to rile Trump. He hasn’t retaliated on tariffs. But he loudly backed Zelensky after Trump withdrew support for the war. As a result, the prime minister’s ratings rose. British voters now see Starmer’s Labour Party as better at dealing with foreign policy and defense challenges than the Conservative Party is. (Voters usually regard the Conservatives as better at defense.)
Then, there is Ukraine itself. Zelensky’s fight with Trump just might have saved his job. As the war dragged on, his political opponents saw an opportunity to oust him. But, after his trip to Washington and the fiasco meeting in the Oval Office, his approval ratings rose. His opponents recently said publicly that now, during wartime, is not the time to be considering elections. It is just TOO BAD that about half the American population STILL can't view Trump an ''COUPany'' the same way as the other countries readily see through him!
In closing...
I am going to have to try to space these (so far weekly) posts out a bit, or at least make them more brief, since, as I have said previously, I am letting them become a bit too demanding of my available time and efforts. I just wish there was NOT so much that needs to be documented but I am afraid we're just at the tip of the iceberg. But, I do need to reduce my own efforts with these doscumentations just somewhat so this will likely be my last post for March and this quarter. I do thank you for your support so far and I hope all of you will try and encourage everyone you know to PAY ATTENTION and to TAKE SERIOUSLY what is unfolding. No matter what your views are, THESE ARE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES! So, whenever I can make a new post, I hope you will join me here and continue to check for the new updates WHENEVER they do come. Remember too, that you can email or text me to be added to my email, or text, notification list for new posts when they happen.
Until next time, ''same station'' ...
Hayne Davis
If you would like to see these efforts continue, please share a link to this page! And, should you like to make a contribution to help maintain the site (we accept NO advertising and display NO advertising, and share/sell NO DATA whatsoever! This site is TOTALLY SELF SUPPORTED!)...
then please hit the ''DONATE'' button below to make a PayPal donation. ALL DONATIONS ARE DISCREET, SAFE AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL! Thank you VERY much for ANY support!
The new government ...
OF the Billionaires,
FOR the Billionaires,
BY the Billionaires!
3-8-25 DaviSenseless ?
Does it really make any ''sense'' to continue this little effort or is it just a waste of time? This is the question I keep asking myself as I keep fighting the inclination to just sit back and try to detatch myself from what seems to be the inevitable outcome of the crisis in America. After all, isn't it a reality that after a decade of ''Trumpism'', and most of his supporters STILL have not changed their opinions, is it not most unlikely that they will change at this point? Is it not an established fact that folks like me are basically just ''preaching to the choir'' since few, if any ''Trumpists'' or ''MAGA Cultists'', EVER listen to or watch anything beyond their little bubbles and propaganda outlets? Furthermore, is it also not a fact that many of them DO NOT READ (CAN NOT read or comprehend in many cases?) anything anyway and certainly not anything they do not already agree with?
Ordinarily I would answer all those questions in the affirmative. However, I have recently been somewhat encouraged, if only slightly, by the feedback I have received . I have only received a few comments so far (around eight I think) and, apparently, only three of these have been from Trump supporters (or FORMER supporters so let's just say, ''Trump voters'') and the others from ''the choir''. However, since the three comments (texts/emails) from the Trump voters only included ONE negative, I suppose I should let that suffice as ample encouragement that SOME ''Trumpists'' are, at least, reachable. If you missed these comments, the two positives were included in my prior post (scroll just below) and the negative one was posted in my second entry back in early February, 2-10-25 DaviScolded !.
Another reason I keep motivated to continue these humble little efforts, aside from the daily disgust at the ongoing executive branch atrocities, is the fact that mainstream media is becoming more and more ''muzzled'' by fear of retaliation from the authoritarian regime now in control of the United States government. The media SILENCE is growing LOUDER with every passing day!
One of my neighbors once told me in a conversation that I was ''over-reacting'' to Trump by calling him a ''threat to democracy'' (this was back during the early campaign). I feel sure he would still make the same assertion today if questioned. This is my main ongoing concern that I keep coming back to over and over and over again. How can these people, these incessant Trump supporters, be SO BLIND to the serious reality of this genuine tyranny takeover and keep on maintaining their support PERPETUALLY with one ongoing atrocity after another against the United States government? I have written about this ''wonder of wonders'' in various ways at various times in my various entries since it will always be the main ''mind blower'' that I, and many others (including former VP candidate, Governor Tim Walsh), just can NOT, and will not EVER, be able to get our collective heads around!
I wrote an entire piece about the ''enablers'' early on so no need to reiterate that here. As mentioned in some of those writings, even if Trump were to somehow be removed from office, what good would it really do? Next in line would be J.D. Vance and, from what we have seen so far, this guy may be more vicious and vindictive than most in today's GOP! And, THAT is REALLY saying something! Furthermore, as we have also seen from his debate performance, he is quite clever and definitley not unlike the ''bad lawyer'' types I spoke of in my previous post! That's a VERY dangerous combination of traits to be sure. Then, THIRD in line to the top spot is none other than Speaker Mike Johnson. All I need to say about this ridiculous character ever becoming president is ''GOD FORBID''! I am NOT being stereotypical either when I honestly say that practically ANY of today's GOP politicians would make a disgraceful leader of an American democracy. There may be a few decent people left in the GOP controlled congress but most of those with any character, and/or backbone, have either resigned or been forced out of office.
Last post, I focused on Trump's inability to tell the simple truth, seemingly even when it might benefit him. This was never more evident than in his recent, rambling, lengthy address to Congress. If you could endure this entire thing (I could NOT but did see most of the ''lowlights'' in replays), you no doubt saw all of his traits, that we have pointed out here in our posts so far, demonstrated to the hilt ...lie after lie...distortion after distortion...and ''alternate reality'' and ''alternate history'' attempts abounding. Yet, unbelievably, one poll (CBS) showed that up to 70% of those watching the speech gave it a positive rating (of course the watchers were heavily weighted toward the MAGA crowd anyway ....but STILL!)! Twilight Zone time again!
We know that one of Trump's long standing tactics is to create an imaginary ''problem'' and then boast about ''solving it'' with some imaginary action. However, his embarrasing twists and ''back and forths'' on his ridiculous tariffs leave no reasonable explanation for any sane observer! The market goes up and down like a yoyo day after day as a result and companies and businesses, as well as consumers, never know how to react or which course to plot from day to day. This entire stretch since inauguration day has been nothing but confused chaos, some of which is no doubt intended while much of it is just pure ineptitude. Why is isn't it OBVIOUS to MAGA and the GOP supporters that virtually EVERY cabinet position head, nominated by the ''Felon In Chief'' and confirmed by his senate stooges, are the most UNQUALIFIED for their positions than anyone, anywhere, anytime? Some of them may even be called ''criminally unqualified"! This is ALSO OBVIOUSLY an intentional move by President Chump to discredit and disable each of the agencies that he now has under his little thumbs in his overall attempt to destroy every branch of government aside from the executive branch whose role he is rewriting and embellishing daily!
The big question remains, JUST WHO IS GOING TO STOP ALL OF THIS? Most of the Democrats in congress are also a ''joke'' now embarrassing themselves with tacky protests of wearing pink and flashing paddle signs to holding singing fests and making hoaky Tik Tok videos. This is NOT the ''action'' the country needs right now. Of course, as I have said before, just WHAT CAN they really do right now? They have no majority voting power whatever; but, just perhaps, they could try to convince some of their more moderate Republican colleagues, who quibble about Trump in private, to ''spine up'' and join them in voting against some of this tragedy. There are some good ones doing just that right now, like Senator Adam Schiff and Representative Jasmine Crockett (also one of the rare ''GOOD lawyers'' I spoke of last time by the way). Ms. Crockett is a joy to watch in action as she exhibits more savvy by herself than ALL the goons on the other side of the aisle combined (naturally she is now one of the most currently attacked by ALL the right wing media- a good indication of her effectiveness!) ! However, far too few of the Democrats are making any meaningful effort to step forward and make a difference.
Perhaps the most effective tactic going on as of this writing is by the GOP voters themselves at various town hall meetings in ''red states'' across the country. Naturally, this provocative response has caused Mike Johnson to encourage all GOP congresspersons to STOP the town hall meetings while his colleagues are spreading the lie, echoed by Fox News and other right wing media of course, that the protestors were ''hired professional protestors''. I wonder how this dumb gesture goes over with the genuine protestors themselves who were actually out there honestly trying to confront their cowardly representatives who, in most cases, either didn't show up or walked out on them! I don't imagine the lie that they were ''hired'' will further endear their party to them !
The main recourse has been, of course, the judicial system ... take them to court. While the results of these efforts have been somewhat encouraging in the lower courts, we can certainly NOT count on the Supreme Court to uphold any just ruling that makes its way before them, as mentioned in my prior post. Just WHAT will/can ultimately be done when Trump continues to defy and ignore the court rulings and direct orders imposed upon him remains to be seen. Should the Supreme Court happen to do the ''unthinkable'' and rule against him on something, then just WHO is going to enforce the rulings of the courts? That job is supposedly, ultimately, the role of the executive branch itself! It is a hell of a ''Catch 22'' the way things now stand and I don't see any real help prior to another election! Another election, by the way, is actually questionable if things continue as they have for another four years and the tyranny is allowed to flourish! Remember Trump's promise to the evangelical ''believers'' during the campaign, ''just vote (for me) one more time and you will never have to vote again''. All I can say is ''GOD HELP US''!
In closing, since I am not about to try to cover all the specific lies Trump told during his congressional speech (I have already covered many of them in prior posts anyway since they were largely repeats) I am going to suggest that you watch Rachel Maddow as she fact checks just a few of the more outlandish statements here- Rachel Maddow Fact Checks Trump's Speech - For The Record !.
Since I emphasized early on here that Trump's speech got such high approval ratings because most of the viewers were MAGA or GOP partisans, I wonder just how many bothered to hang around for the Democratic response. It's a real shame if you did miss it, and a PERSONAL LOSS to those who deliberately turned away from it, because it was quite a contrast to the one before it. Michigan Senator Elissa Slotkin gave a brilliant, honest presentation of fact, in rebuttal to Trump's oratory charade. If you would like to see what I mean, you can watch it here and see a REAL PUBLIC SERVANT in action! - Michigan Senator Elissa Slotkin Democrat Response .
As always, I SINCERELY thank you for reading my humble observations and opinions shared here! I hope you will join me again next time as we all try to ''keep on keeping on''!
Hayne Davis
If you would like to see these efforts continue, please share a link to this page! And, should you like to make a contribution to help maintain the site (we accept NO advertising and display NO advertising, and share/sell NO DATA whatsoever! This site is TOTALLY SELF SUPPORTED!)...
then please hit the ''DONATE'' button below to make a PayPal donation. ALL DONATIONS ARE DISCREET, SAFE AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL! Thank you VERY much for ANY support!
The new government ...
OF the Billionaires,
FOR the Billionaires,
BY the Billionaires!
3-1-25 DaviSmall DaviSafeguard
This little web page certainly is ''DaviSmall'' ... that is it is very TINY compared to most media operations nowadays. But, I do it because I believe that EVERY effort makes a difference no matter how small it may be. Whatsmore, I can tell that I am reaching at least SOME readers with these recently begun efforts already as I try to do my part at ''DaviSafeguarding' the TRUTH and our democracy. In less than a month, I am already getting a little feedback (both positive and negative - one such negative response was posted early on in the 2-10-25 DaviScolded ! post below). I think this is a good indicator since, to date, this new site has only had just under a thousand visitors in it's first month. I will list a couple of more recent feedback comments later in this edition.
As I mention in the PREFACE, one of my main motives is to document (and SAFEGUARD) the TRUTH! In this age of constant disinformation, it is important (at least to some of us!) to seek out and KNOW the TRUTH! There is no such thing as ''alternate facts'' as the Trump crowd often talked about during his first term. However, lawyers and congresspersons (who are often lawyers also) always seem to have a way of DISTORTING the truth, or ''twisting the facts'' to suit their purposes. I am sure that all of you have heard the old term ''professional liar'' applied to those in the law profession. One of my own lawyers once told me that ''Truth is always relative''...after which we exchanged quite a heated debate about that as I drove him to the airport. I was always encouraged by many of my elders and educators, as I was growing up, to become a lawyer myself. I even considered it once to the point of leaving my beloved broadcasting position in 1969 to return to college with the idea of taking pre-law courses in preparation for law school. However, the more I learned and realized just what compromises one must make in that profession, and the fact that often ''right'' and ''legal'' do not always coincide, I realized that it was not for me.
As I quote Ward Cleaver from an old Leave It To Beaver episode at the head of this page, ''TRUE IS TRUE AND FALSE IS FALSE''. There are no ''half truths''or ''alternate facts''. Unfortunately, we have to endure quite a few UNTRUTHS on a daily basis with Donald Trump (let's just call them what they are, instead of ''falsehoods'' as the mainstream press calls them, they are simply blatant LIES!) I once, back during Trump's first term, heard an old guy say with bewilderment in his eyes and in his voice, ''Trump tells a lie even when the truth will do!'' He was right of course. The man is just a habitual, pathological, LIAR ... that simple. The trouble is, which is not so simple, the MAGA cult believes him anyway even when they have the REAL truth right in front of them! How can you explain this implausibility? I suppose it is just as Mark Twain once said, "The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie".
While on the subject of Mark Twain quotes regarding LIES ...here is one I always liked and identified with. Twain said, "I am different from George Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't." Something to think about while you ponder the ''principles'' of your elected representatives!
Now, I am VERY much against stereotyping and ''pigeon-holing'' so let me emphasize that I do NOT put ALL lawyers in the same class. Just like with everything else, there are both inherently good and bad types within the legal profession. Although I would have to say, based upon my observations and experiences, the ''bad'' lawyers far outnumber the ''good ones''. I don't mean ''good or bad'' in terms of practicing their profession, I mean ''good or bad'' in terms of the PEOPLE IN the profession. Unfortunately, you can guess where many of the ''bad'' lawyers, in this context, have landed these days. You can look no further than this current regime as it is staffed to the hilt with them starting at the TOP- the new Attorney General.
It was truly SICKENING the other day to hear Ms. Bondi (apparently taking a brief break from posting on social media about her love for the Trump family and her appearances on ''Fox News'') state that the lower courts were being put on notice for ruling (correctly and fairly) against Elon Musk and ''DOGE''. She reminded us that it will all ultimately end up in the Supreme Court where ''we will win'' (and the people LOOSE!). Naturally she is correct on this since the majority of Supreme Court justices are also ''BAD lawyers who became BAD judges''! Would Trump appoint any other kind? Of course not. We already knew what the recent leaked emails discovered by The New York Times confirmed, starting with the ''head honcho'', John Roberts down to the ''Bribee in Chief'', Clarence Thomas. All the right wing justices are the most corrupt to ever sit on the ''supreme bench'' and their SOLE PRIORITY now is OBVIOUSLY just to ''legalize'' all of Trump's illegal maneuvers!
No, I am afraid that NONE of this bunch would ever have backed out of law school just because they couldn't stomach the principle that ''truth is relative''. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how these kinds of people can exist and live with themselves! Don't they realize that the corrupt legacies they are leaving behind will someday be documented by the HONEST historians? Don't they care about ANYTHING besides themselves and the present? We have some truly GOOD and honest judges in this country, no doubt. But, it seems now, under the new tyranny, that the corrupt we have at the top will ''rule out and win out'' while, again, AMERICA LOOSES OUT!
And speaking of LIES , one of the most DANGEROUS aspects of the Trump regime (and there are MANY to be sure) is their attempt to REWRITE HISTORY based entirely upon their lies. Aside from the ongoing claims that the January 6 insurection was merely a ''peaceful protest'' and a ''day of love'', that the actual Russian interference was the ''Russia Hoax'', the 2020 election was stolen, that immigrants are eating pets, that Trump ''turned on the water'' for California, that Ukraine started the war instead of Russia, (and on and on and on), the most recent outrageous assertion by the ''madman taken over the asylum'' was his claim that ''Zelensky is a dictator'' (that old PROJECTION theme into play again- hang the label on someone else that you plan to wear yourself!). One more LIE added to the voluminous collection - how can ANY honest, sane Amercian keep tolerating and justifying this incessant crap ?
While bringing up the PROJECTION subject once again, it is worthwhile to note that throughout Trump's career he has referred to the legitimate media as ''FAKE NEWS''. Of course, what this ''projection'' actually means is that he, and his media supporters, will be the ones spreading the FAKE news whenever they can while simultaneously projecting that false label on the legitimate media! In my previous post (scroll below or linked above), I talked about the concerns for the takeover of the media. This latest effort has been to bar The Associated Press, one of the stalwarts of honest reporting over the years, from all white house and presidential news briefings simply because they did not acknowledge Trump's ridiculous attempt to rename the Gulf Of Mexico. I understand that even ''Fox News'' raised a mild protest to this outrageous maneuver- let's give them some credit where due. This is just one more ALARM BELL for much worse to come with the regime's efforts to silence any non-compliant, or regime critical, media if the citizenry and the courts allow it.
In closing this edition...
Here are a couple of notes sent to me this past week...one email and one text. I thank you both for reaching out with your comments!Just letting you know that I am a Trump voter who now regrets my decision. I read your site. Your stuff is different, entertaining and makes a lot of sense. - TEXT MESSAGE, NO NAME
I came across your website after a friend of mine told me about it. He is an audio person and says he reads your audio site and saw this link. I voted for Trump twice but I want you to know that I do not consider myself a MAGA type. I am also not a fool. I almost did not vote for him the second time [and] now wish I had not. Your site has pointed out some things that I never knew before and I am glad to know now. I will not be so blind to the real Trump from now on. I will also keep reading your site. Feel free to use my message and my name. Thanks, Reuben K. -EMAIL MESSAGE- (I withheld the state of residence)
It was most gratifying to get those messages. I have always maintained that if I can make even ONE person ''see the light''... the TRUE REALITY ... with the knowledge that they may, in turn, influence others like them, then I have fullfilled my purpose in launching this little ''DaviSmall DaviSafeguard''. So, I TRULY THANK THEM, again, for taking the time to offer their feedback! And I THANK YOU as well for reading and considering what I have to say. I remind you that YOU TOO should stand up and make your voice heard!
There has never been a more crucial moment, in my lifetime, for our democratic way of life no matter WHAT your political persuasion! Party, policy, ideology are all off the table at this critical moment in our history. It is now crucial for all HONEST, CARING, FREE AMERICAN PATRIOTS to rise up, speak up, and realize the importance of the moment to fight to preserve our rights, freedoms and democratic government. Realize that we are now actually undergoing a genuine coup in this country but that it is NOT TOO LATE to take our country back from the Tyrant and his Oligarchs if we all stand together as ONE united voice for freedom!
Until next time ...
Hayne Davis
PS- Just heard about the meeting with Trump, Vance and Zelensky where they threw Zelensky out of the White House calling him ''disrespectful'' because he asked for a simple security assurance against further offensives by Russia before joining peace talks. Why doesn't the ''Felon In Chief'' address the ''disrespect'' of Russia for invading Zelensky's country to begin with and subsequently killiing millions of its citizens in the process? Want a REAL peace plan? Here's one for you ...how about telling Russia to get the hell out of Ukraine back to where they came from ... that would do it!
3-1-25 - ''DaviSupplement'' - While I am starting to let this new web effort take up WAY too much time, after the events of yesterday I just HAD to add a little more commentary (yes, they keep ''flooding the zone'' with so much daily atrociousness that it is hard to keep up!). I guess most of you, by now, have heard some version of what happened yesterday in the Oval Office when Vance and Trump ganged up against Zelensky in the most embarassing (obviously a staged setup by Trump and ''coupany'') ''made for TV'' debacle I have ever witnessed.
EVERY, let me repeat, EVERY American, without exception, should be ashamed and embarrased about this latest despicable charade sanctioned by the current political party in power in our country! They had ALREADY taken us further into ''political Hell'' by voting ''for Russia and against Ukraine'' with the UN resolution where the United States actually put us squarely inside the Bush coined term, ''The Axis Of Evil''! The U.S. actually voted WITH Russia, China, Hungary et al AGAINST all of our European allies and AGAINST Ukraine! Then, to have that deliberate display of insolence by the President and Vice President of the United States televised just for the benefit of their narrowing base of Fox watching ''airheads'', has to be one of the most undignified and UNPRESIDENTIAL acts ever performed by the executive branch in American history!
Then, what REALLY sickened me, and prompted this addition to my earlier post, was the blatant display of hypocrisy by the spineless, turn-coat Republican legislators who had just met with Zelensky earlier in the day and praised him to his face just to publicly side with Trump and Vance after that farcical Oval Office ''TV show'' later. Of course, leading this ''suck-up en masse'' was none other than my own S.C. senator, Lindsey Graham! As most of you know, I am located in the center of one of the most ''red states'' in the country, South Carolina. Our state has a lot to be proud of but, when it comes to politics, it DEFINITELY has a lot to be ashamed of! At the top of that shameful, disgusting list, along with the Governor and the likes of representatives Joe Wilson and Tim Scott, is Lindsey Graham. You can't call him ''two-faced'' since he changes his positions like he changes suits - how about ''multi-faced''? This guy HAS to be one of the most truly SICKENING, cowardly individuals to ever hold political office! Every observer wonders ''what Trump has on him'' much the same way they wonder ''what Putin has on Trump''. If any of you do not know the specific instance to which I now refer to, please check out Jack Cocchiarella's latest YouTube video post. He sums it up much more efficiently than I could ever do here with actual video clips of the ring-kissing senator in action- ''YOU'RE A LIAR, LINDSEY!''
Thanks again to all of you who join my ''DaviSmall'' efforts with these comments! I hope to have you here as long as we are able to continue!
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The new government ...
OF the Billionaires,
FOR the Billionaires,
BY the Billionaires!
2-20-25 ( My Birthday !)DaviShamed ?
When Allied Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower arrived inside Germany, shortly after defeating the Nazis in WWII, and witnessed the human remnants struggling to emerge from the liberated concentration camps, he commented, ''This makes me ashamed that my name is Eisenhower'' (he was, of course, referring to his German descent).
I have always loved my country and our way of life as much as, or more than, the next guy. However, ever since witnessing, what I call the ''dumbing down'' (or, more politely, just the overall deterioration of knowledge and common sense) of American society, especially culminating in the recent election of a despicable ''wannabe'' authoritarian dictator, I have to say that I am actually ashamed of what has become of us. I realize that, at least, half the country is as appalled as I am about the road we are being taken down; but, nonetheless, our future is now being totally mis-shaped in so many directions by this current, disgusting regime that I have to say, yes, I am ashamed of America as it now stands! A ''country'' is not some entity unto itself. Yes, of course, the geography is part of it but the ''country'' is actually the populace. It is the PEOPLE who make up the country that truly ARE the country. So, yes, I am ashamed of over half the current populace of the United States that they would support and condone ALL the continuous atrocities by the political party they have empowered ... and what's more, try to ''normalize'' it all!
Too many Americans, especially the MAGA cult, blindly accept the fact that America is (or in MAGA's case ''was'') the ''greatest'' country on earth. Well, in many respects that is true. But, unfortunately, we now, and actually have always, fall/fallen behind many other countries around the globe in some IMPORTANT respects. So, in that sense, I guess we DO need to ''make America great'' ... just not in the perverted way the MAGA cult perceives it for sure! Back in the 1960s the slogan ''America, love it or leave it'' became popular among the right-wingers. This was quickly followed up with the counter slogan by the more perceptive segment of the populace, ''America, change it or loose it''. I feel that we are definitely at the ''change it FAST or loose it QUICKLY'' point right now!
I have not seen the exact statistical data on this anywhere, and never hear it mentioned in the media, but thousands of Americans are now ''loving it AND leaving it''. They are not leaving their country because they hate it, they are leaving because they DO love it, probably more than most who claim to, so much so that they cannot stand to live through what they see coming! They were not bluffing when they said that if Trump were re-elected they would leave. Many of them, I'm sure, see the factual ''writing on the wall'' of where it is headed under Trump and his followers. They simply feel it too sickening, distressing and, even perhaps, dangerous to witness and be a part of first hand! Some people would label them ''traitors'' but NO...the REAL TRAITORS are those now in charge who are driving them away! In most cases those leaving are our most loyal, most productive, and most intelligent citizens (much like the way the best, dedicated federal employees are the ones being fired!)! I know exactly how they feel.
There are other countries now that TRULY live up to the original American ideals and, in some ways, actually EXCEED them. For example, how about those that offer FREE HEALTH CARE for all and an AFFORDABLE MINIMUM WAGE with great working conditions for ALL employees? Two such countries that come to mind are Norway and New Zealand. If you don't believe me, just do the REAL research and see how pleasant, safe, healthy and productive life is in those countries (of course Norway is a bit on the ''too cold'' side for me, climate wise!).
Just recently, after a trip to a local doctor's office my wife was wondering why she had not seen her favorite doctor at that particular office the last few visits. She, then, later learned that he had actually done it ... he had packed up and moved his family to New Zealand right after the election. Upon my relating this to a friend in California, he said that their family dentist had just done the same thing! Some of the more intelligent, aware, realists knew in their ''heart of hearts'' what was coming and could not subject themselves, and their families, to living under an authoritarian oligarchy regime,no matter what the sacrifice! Do you blame them for ''copping out''...''deserting''? NO...I commend them for their courage and I truly understand their motivations. They are the ones who take democracy VERY seriously! They are not unlike those brave souls who fled dictatorships, while they could still get out, to come to America decades ago! Talk about SHAME! Who would have EVER thought that ANY of our citizens would have to flee to another country in order to live under a truly genuine democracy! I NEVER would have believed that I would live to see such...but here it is...right before our sad eyes...happening every day!
In closing this brief edition...
I just saw that Trump called Zelensky a ''dictator'' (2-19-25) ... remember what I said about ''PROJECTION''! WHAT AN IDIOT! And, I am sorry but I just have to say this ... to friends, to family ...to WHOMEVER! Anyone who STILL believes him and supports him IS ALSO AN IDIOT! Let the facts fall where they may! His new partnership with Putin, like everything else, is ALL about enriching himself as usual. Of course this has been in the making for years, ever since before the first Trump presidency. Anybody with at least one eye and half a brain could plainly see this coming as the Russians blatantly interfered on his behalf in both elections.
But, now, with all restraints taken off, eagerly and generously by his puppet Supreme Court, he is free to do WHATEVER! Meanwhile, the media that he has in his pockets, which of course is Rupert Murdoch and companies (another immigrant transplant by the way- why not deport that one MAGA?), their copycats, as well as ALL the social media platforms (owned by his billionaire chronies sharing the stage at his inauguration), pave the way for all the disinformation he wants to support his ''BS''. Give him credit, Hitler didn't move much faster! Trump has failed at just about everything he has ever managed (CHECK THE FACTS!, MAGA!) but so far, he is effectively succeeding in his ambition to become a dictator! Of course, the more he succeeds the more the United States Of America FAILS!
Here is someone else echoing my points here. Cliff Cash is a popular, southern comedian. However, he is not being comical whatsoever in this brief clip addressed directly to Trump supporters and the MAGA cult! If you are one of those, unfortunately misguided voters, then I urge you....no, I DARE you...to listen to this message directed to you specifically. Be SURE to watch it ALL the way through! ''DOGE'' IS FOR TRAITORS .
As always, I thank you for ''tuning in'' to this old radio commentator! I urge you to join me here again next time, same ''station'', as I continue trying to call attention to the obvious for the oblivious!
Best efforts,
Hayne Davis
PS- As I was just finishing writing this, an old episode of The Andy Griffith Show happened to come on my TV across the room. It was the episode where deputy Barney Fife ticketed the governor's car for parking in a no parking zone. You will recall that, in this story, the governor made a special trip back to Mayberry to shake the deputy's hand and award him for doing his job no matter who was involved - NO ONE WAS ABOVE THE LAW. Can you imagine what would have happened if that governor had been Donald Trump? I can. He would have insulted the deputy on social media first before ''rewarding'' him by having him fired for ''daring'' to hold him accountable for breaking the law! I don't think, for a moment, that a 1960s American TV audience would have even believed a Donald Trump as a governor, let alone a president! BUT...most unfortunately, HE IS today's America! The governor's line was something like, ''You can never have true law enforcement unless it applies to everyone including the privileged"! Maybe we should send that episode to the Supreme Court as a ''refresher''!
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2-14-25 ''DaviSensored'' ? & DaviSuggestions
In my prior post, addressing the email critique that I received from a MAGA cultist, I briefly mentioned the writer's comment that I, and others like me, should be SHUT DOWN by the current ''administration''. I went on to explain that FREE SPEECH is a basic right of a democracy and, of course, guaranteed by United States Constitution. But, there is now a big problem there ... two in fact. First, the constitution is now being ignored (and a Republican senator just explained his view and, no doubt, the view of his fellow MAGAs in Congress, that ''nobody should bellyache about that''). Secondly, we are, every day, moving farther and farther away from a free democracy while actually becoming an Authoritarian Oligarchy.
Traditionally, the first thing an Authoritarian regime does is take over the media and silence ANY voice that is not pro-regime. This new regime now in Washington is already wading in to that polutted pond by filing lawsuits against major networks for simply reporting the facts.This is because, of course, that the facts documenting actions of the regime are largely unpopular and need to be replaced by PRO-regime propaganda. You can count on the fact that they will become more and more agressive attacking any media that does not ''toe the party line'', just the same as their friend and ally Putin in ''mother Russia'' operates. Trump Threatens To silence networks and jail journalists!
No surprise that the first ''order of business'' for Trump's new appointed head of the FCC was to, once again, go after long time GOP targets, PBS and NPR. This time they are falsely claiming that the hundreds of PBS affiliates may have ''vilolated the law'' by airing commercials. They have always threatened to pull the funding for PBS and have accomplished this to some degree while pulling back somewhat after such large public outcry against past attempts. This time they are trying a different avenue and a subjective one, at that, to say the least. A dear friend and cousin once told me that ''PBS has an 'agenda' '' (implying a LIBERAL agenda). I responded that yes, they do have an agenda ... and that ''agenda'' is to report the TRUTH... unlike the Fox News propaganda that most Republicans are addicted to. No doubt, this new administration can NOT tolerate the TRUTH being told and, like all ''good dictatorships do'' they first try to pull the plug on any opposing media. Well, THANKFULLY, there are a LOT of them out there right now and, hopefully, they will stand fast until something can be officially done to restrain this newly elected (questionably) bunch of self-serving power mongers.
One of the biggest things to further distance me from the George W. Bush administration was his appointment of Colin Powell's son as FCC chairman to further dismantle the restrictions which kept needed diversification alive in the broadcast sector. To put it simply, they wanted to force out the small ''mom and pop'' radio stations and allow the media conglomerates (typically huge GOP donors and supporters) to take over all the media markets. Most people don't realize that for many years, an entity could only own, or have interests in, ONE media outlet per market. This is as it should be to avoid a monopoly of the airways. By the time the Bush crowd got through, these large conglomerates were buying media properties at record rates with little or no processing time and often owning nearly ALL in the same market sometimes along with the newspapers! How ridiculous is that?
Well, welcome to the current state of affairs in modern broadcasting (and print media as well!). ALL divestiture restrictions are off. Ironically, this happened after I had to, just prior to the Reagan years, go to great lengths to show that I not only was not an owner of any other media in the hometown market where I was applying for an FM station, but also had to wind down my broadcast production/consulting business for other stations across the country (just to be on the safe side so that my opposing filer couldn't try and use that against me). It went from THAT...to THIS. Now you know why you hear an endless stream of right-wing propaganda broadcasts on practically every AM station across the dial. Its because two or three right wing conglomerates own nearly ALL of them. Now, think about that and let it sink in!
I, myself, was once a HUGE distruster of certain government agencies, but never ALL of them as a whole. In my case I had good reason to be. In the early 1970's, I considered myself, based on experience, to be the REAL victim of discrimination. I guess most would label it ''reverse discrimination'' since I was a member of a group TRULY being discriminated against by the laws of the times- a young white, MALE! I had decided to open a small music store in a neighboring town and when I applied to the Small Business Administration for assistance, they told me out front that I had no chance since they were now only accepting loan applications from ''minorities'', then meaning primarily Blacks and Women.
They, next, actually loaned a huge sum to my new, would-be competitor in town who projected himself as a forthright, Black minority business man. Well, believe it or not, a couple of months later a representative of the Small Business Administration called and said he would like a meeting with me at my store and would give details there. So I accepted and arranged to be there when he arrived one afternoon. What he told me raised my ire to no end. It seems their huge loan recipient had, after partially stocking a new store downtown, bought a new Cadillac and skipped town! This guy actually had the nerve to come to me to see if I would BUY OUT the remaining stock of the other store. My response? I grabbed him by the arm, not too gently, and escorted him out the front door telling him that neither he, nor anyone else from his agency, should ever approach me again!
So, you see, I DID have some VERY negative personal experience with a government agency. And, I admit I was as ''anti-government control'' as the next guy, in many respects, back in those days. But, as I further matured and gained experience, MUCH later in life, I began to reallize the IMPORTANCE of many of our agencies and the dedication of most of the people who staffed them. Most of them were necessary for our society's daily function and many were a ''God-send'' to protect us from corporate abuse, disease, an unhealthy environment, and domestic and foreign enemies, just to point out a few. To allow a blanket destruction to all of them, and those who dedicated their lives in service through them, is not only a tragedy, it is a downright sin in the strictest since of the term!
Much of the media (except for the propagandist outlets that most Republicans relegate themselves to), and the Democratic candidates, TRIED to warn everyone what would happen were Trump to be ''re-crowned'' for a second term but no one believed it or, in many cases, even heard it. I also have a growing suspicion that MANY OF THEM ACTUALLY WANT THIS (which I will cover in more detail in a later post- in other words, as hard as it may be to accept and understand, there just may be a growing faction of our ''R I'' populace, especially very young white, impressionable males, who actually think a fascist, authoritarian government in the United States would be ''cool''!). For whatever reason, unfortunately a large number of voters in this country rejected any concern for the obvious outcome and enabled this current destruction of our government and it's agencies.
Now, we are, tragically, living it...and it will only get worse...and worse still! These misguided ''Trumpists'' are going to feel the results just like everyone else. Will they recognize the ''cause and effect'' of their votes or will they just continue to, somehow, blame the ''other side'' as they always have (and as their cult leader always does- example: Just yesterday he put a post on social media still blaming Biden for the current rise in inflation weeks after his takeover!)? If they finally realize there is a cause and effect reallity going on, then MAYBE some of the suffering will be a good thing for the long run. But, then, maybe too much damage will result for any future recourse to matter much anymore.
The FCC situation I just described was one of the first things that set off my alarms with the GOP. I was from the ''old school'' of broadcasters who endured a very strict Federal Communications Commission. When I started in radio, ANYONE manning a transmitter had to test, at an FCC field office (in my case the nearest was Atlanta, quite a distance away), for an operator license. They offered third, second and first class licenses in those days. Those of us small station ''announcer/operators'' usually just studied for and obtained the third class version as that required the least technical knowledge . The test wasn't easy and many had to take it two or three times to pass. Fortunately I passed mine on the first attempt. The license HAD to be on display beside the transmitter at the station where you were the ''operator'' and each operator had to sign on and off a transmitter log during each shift while taking, and being responsible for, transmitter readings.
On Jan. 5, 1979, the FCC eliminated the Third requirement, as well as the license grade, and allowed holders of Restricted Radiotelephone Permits to just fill out a form and mail it in to operate broadcast transmitters of nearly all classes and powers. Even this requirement ultimately was dropped; now no operating license at all is needed for local or remote controlled stations. Anyone interested in the history of the FCC broadcast license can check out this excellent article in RADIO WORLD- DEMISE OF THE FIRST PHONE .
Nowadays, the FCC does not have regular inspections by the dreaded ''field officer'' who, in the old days, could pop in at any time for a station inspection. We were ALWAYS on guard and kept things ''ship shape'' just in case. Ironically, in all my years in various radio stations, while I heard ''horror stories from others'', I NEVER encounterd an FCC inspector even as a station constructor/owner! But, the idea that they COULD arrive was a good thing I think. It kept everyone on their toes and all equipment in perfect maintenance and operation at all times. There are still dedicated broadcast engineers out there, and most operate responsibly anyway, but are things as tightly controlled as the ''old days''? I think the answer is, undoubtedly, NO!
The point is, ''deregulation'' is not always a good thing and, obviously, deregulation could be Trump's middle name. Certainly the blanket destruction of, or replacement by unqualified loyalists in, time-honoured responsibly performing agencies solely for self-serving political reasons can be nothing but POISON for society ... and there just may be NO ANTIDOTE!
Now...as for those ''DaviSuggestions'' ...
SO ... as a result of the new coup and Authoritarian takeover of the U.S. Government, will I, and all the others like me, finally be CENSORED? I guess it remains to be seen. But it is ALREADY happening to some degree. I, of course am a VERY small fish in the media pond and so they have much ''bigger fish to fry'' than my little effort here. However, it just may be that we are all in for an ongoing ''crawl'' by Musks' robots, especially if he manages to take over OPEN AI. Then, you can bet that anything across the Internet, including private servers as well as all social media and YouTube, which includes a Trump reference will be scrutinized. I can, then, also assure you that any negative Trump content will undergo an attempt at removal! How successful they may be in these attempts just remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, I will be placing a, likely growing over time, ''links list'' at the very bottom of this page with a ''link to the links'' in the index section. Right now I would like to call attention to just four YouTube channels and, most importantly, a link to the Rachel Maddow YouTube ''mission statement'' for her show on MSNBC. In my opinion, Rachel Maddow is, BY FAR, the BEST all around news commentator anywhere today, period! She is honest, intelligent, articulate and has a way of framing her commentaries in a clear and factual manner unlike anyone else out there. And there is NO DOUBT that her CONCERN for our sad state of affairs is truly genuine! I HIGHLY recommend that you follow her insights regularly if you REALLY want to know what's going on! Rachel Maddow Mission Statement .
Another YouTube favorite of mine is a brilliant young woman who calls herself ''Politics Girl''. She, herself, is putting aside ongoing health issues to crusade against the numerous atrocities of this second Trump Administration. Here again, she is also intelligent, factual and forceful in her commentary with an obvious, deep passion for exposing the truth behind the corruption. You can find her channel here- POLITICS GIRL .
This next one is most unique! Here you find a guy that, at first glance, you might label as a definite ''MAGA Redneck''! He has the southern accent and often uses imperfect grammar. But this ''Blue surrounded by RED'' Tennessee native is one of the more entertaining and insightful presenters on YouTube with an audience that is growing drastically day by day. He has the most honest, common sense approach to presenting the ''receipts'', as he calls them, of the numerous atrocities of Trump and company. He calls himself Tennessee Brando .
Perhaps the truly largest and fastest growing independent ''news network'' on YouTube is the Meidas Touch Network. They have a variety of presenters from time to time under their banner and they keep up with the current events of the MAGA bunch on a nearly daily basis. They are here Meidas Touch Network .
I would be willing to bet, that most MAGA supporters don't even know about Mary Trump, the psychologist niece of Donald Trump. If they did, HOW ON EARTH could they have ignored her inside revelations for years prior to the recent election (well, that is a DUMB question on my part since I have pointed out as often as anyone that the MAGA crowd ALWAYS ignores any TRUTH about their glorified cult leader!)? Here is how WIKIPEDIA describes Mary Trump - ''Mary Lea Trump (born May 3, 1965) is an American psychologist and writer. A member of the Trump family, she has been critical of her uncle, U.S. President Donald Trump. Her 2020 book about him and the family, Too Much and Never Enough, sold nearly one million copies on the day of its release''. Her YouTube channel is Mary Trump Media .
So...those are my links for the moment. There are more good ones on YouTube but, once you check those out, I am sure that the ''good ole YouTube algorithm'' will be recommending them to you. Over time, though, I will be, no doubt, adding more links of interest to the list.
Thank you, again, for joining me here for this, my latest edition of ''DaviSoapBox''. I do hope that you will SHARE this site with your email contacts etc. and help us grow and get the word out. Meanwhile, please keep looking for my next effort down the line...and speaking of ''efforts''... as always...
Best efforts,
If you would like to see these efforts continue, please share a link to this page! And, should you like to make a contribution to help maintain the site (we accept NO advertising and display NO advertising, and share/sell NO DATA whatsoever! This site is TOTALLY SELF SUPPORTED!)...
then please hit the ''DONATE'' button below to make a PayPal donation. ALL DONATIONS ARE DISCREET, SAFE AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL! Thank you VERY much for ANY support!
2-10-25 ''DaviScolded !''
''As The World Burns'' ...
(to paraphrase Fred Sanford- The VULTURES are circling the house- and the HEAD BUZZARD is IN the house! The White House!)
Well, it didn't take long. I actually got my first ''hate'' email and it was kind of a ''doozy'' (as my mother used to say).
Before I reproduce it here, let me point out a few things out front about emails and texts. As you have, hopefully, noticed, I list my contact information herein with a link at the top of the page for easy/quick reference. I do WELCOME and solicit your emails and comments regardless of what they may be. First of all...I DO answer ALL emails and texts (it may take a litttle while)... BUT...here is the IMPORTANT ''BUT''... I do NOT answer any email or text without a name. Yes, I realize, the email could have a phony name but, at least, it has a name as an identifier. I repeat, I do NOT reply to anonymous emails or texts!
As for my ''publishing'', or re-posting the emails/texts here, any correspondence that I receive is subject to reproducing here. HOWEVER... and another important ''HOWEVER'' ... I will NEVER publish the name, or email address/contact info, of the sender UNLESS AUTHORIZED TO DO SO! Let me repeat that again another way. I will NEVER include the sender's name with a reposted correspondence unless the sender request it or says that it is okay to do so. I will NEVER publish an address or contact info of a correspondent even if I do have permission to list the name of the sender. So, you can send all the emails/texts you want WITHOUT fear of your name or address being revealed ... unless you specifically state that I can publish your name to the message. I hope that clears that up and erases any reservations that you may have for sending me something just because you don't want your name published.
With all that established, let's look at the email that prompts this attention....naturally it was sent completely ANONYMOUSLY, and from a rather strange looking alias and email client. Therefore, I am assuming that this user either has, or set up just to send this (I'm ''honored'' in that case!), one of those fully anonymous email accounts. So, I did NOT reply to it but will respond to it publicly herewith. Here it is-I would never have stumbled across your trashy little web page but it was called to my attention by a friend of a friend. They knew I might want to respond and so I do. You said you wish a MAGA type would respond. Well you got it. You say that you are sick of us MAGAs, well let me tell you something. I am sick of all you high and mighty critics trying to undermind [sic] the work of our new administration. They were elected to do what they are doing by the largest majority of the American volters [sic] ever who wanted to see change in this country. They are doing what they were elected to do. It is that simple. You and your kind don't like it. That was to be expected. But they will carry on anyway until this country reaches prosperous heights like never before seen without unfairly favoring one particular ethnic group with DEI and WOKE policies.
I am thrilled to see responsible people for a change actually going to work to clean out the overblown bureacracy [sic]. You talk about unfathomable. What is unfathomable is how you can get away with mocking and belittleing [sic] the president of the united states and his staff. I hope that they shut you up and others like you! As for all us MAGA people being ''morons'' I will have you know that I have a measured IQ of 124 that I can prove and that is superior intelligence! I doubt you can measure up if you know what I mean. I have always voted Republilcan and always will because of that intelligence! Yes I watch FOX News and that is all I need to know because I trust and respect their reporters. Not like the other main liberal networks always pushing a liberal agenda.
I am pro life, pro guns and pro religion. Always have been always will be. Now I am thankful to have an administration who feels the same way and we don't have to worry about the democrats taking away our rights anymore! We no longer have to pay for countless trans gender conversions. Now God is back in the white house and congress once more and has chosen them to do his will. We're finally actually getting rid of millions of criminal immigrants from this country! What do you think gives you the right to set up an anti MAGA website anyway? Who do you think wants to hear your little negative opinions over and over? In a way I hate to say this so directly by [? sic] I will end by saying that you and the others like you can just go to hell!
Well there you have it. Of course, I have no way of knowing the gender of this writer but, somehow, I get the ''vibe'' that it might be a woman. Don't ask me how and PLEASE don't think that I am insulting women by mentioning that! Let me go on record as saying that I honestly believe we have FAR MORE intelligent, all around GOOD, women in this country than men (not intending to insult my fellow males either, that is just my own, honest opinion). I just somehow pictured a woman writing that by the time I got about half way through it- don't ask me why. I could be QUITE wrong of course.
The gender of the writer is, of course, of no consequence as we have plenty of ''R I'' to go around in both sexes. Yes, dear writer, you MAY have a high IQ and, if so, that makes your IGNORANCE (''R I'') even more unforgivable! Please read my piece, included elsewhere on this page, for a full discourse on the topic of ''R I'', my coined term for ''REAL IGNORANCE'' (to parody ''Artificial Intelligence''). As for ''WOKE'' it's high time you, and your ''IQ'' ''WOKE UP'' ! (Pun optional)
The above email letter is almost entirely a conservative cliche' ! It's so much so that it is hard to know where to begin to respond to it! I guess, since we have an ''IQ challenge'', I should start out by honestly stating my own IQ. I am not boasting, only factually stating that it was measured at 162 when I was in high school. The only other time I ever took an IQ test was after I was drafted and qualified for Officer's Candidate School during induction at Fort Jackson (I was subsequently disqualified for millitary service for multiple health issues at the time). There were just two of us out of the entire statewide group that day who qualified for OCS. I honestly don't remember any score from that, if it was even given in my release papers, other than the phrase ''in the highest bracket''. However, here is some remarkably coincidental irony for you on that side note- the other guy was also named Lewis Davis (my first name is Lewis, Hayne is my middle name)! He was from the lower part of the state. How unbelievable is that (but true like so many other strange synchronicities in my life!)? A few months ago, after my stepson pointed out he had taken an on-line IQ test and scored fairly high, I decided to try it again also. This time I had slipped a bit only testing 148. Furthermore, I must admit, it took me about twice as long as the average to complete the test. I guess the years have taken their toll.
I suppose, though, that the above letter is a perfect example to prove my point in the ''R I'' piece that you do NOT have to be ''mentally challenged'' to be IGNORANT! READ the piece, please! That, of course, demonstrates the whole problem we face in this mess we are now in that I have been trying to point out, perpetually it seems! That is, that too many INTELLIGENT people in this country are now IGNORANT as well! Again, READ the piece , please, if you don't know what I mean by this!
Perhaps the best way to respond to this (I may RESPOND to anonymous emails here but I do not REPLY to them directly!)...is to take each comment one by one and address each in sequence.
I am sick of all you high and mighty critics trying to undermind [sic] the work of our new administration. They were elected to do what they are doing by the largest majority of the American volters [sic] ever who wanted to see change in this country. They are doing what they were elected to do. It is that simple. You and your kind don't like it. That was to be expected. But they will carry on anyway until this country reaches prosperous heights like never before seen without unfairly favoring one particular ethnic group with DEI and WOKE policies
Well, first of all, they were NOT elected to break the law daily (although I suppose you all approve, after all you elected a master criminal as president) and secondly the ''heights'' we will reach are OBVIOUSLY going to be the ''depths of hell'' if the Trump/Musk regime continues on course.
Did your Fox News not report on the continuous string of illegalities performed so far on a daily basis or do they just not matter to you? What about your wonderful party, the GOP, supposedly being the ''party of the rule of law''? Let me offer just a few ''documented receipts'' here for you to review in that regard.
Let's see, first of all your criminal leader ( just one example of his CRIMINAL status as a CONVICTED FELON - He was brought to trial by a fair, NON-PARTISAN Grand Jury and convicted on 34 felony counts after being found guilty by a BI-PARTISAN jury of his peers' unanimous decision) pardoned all the other convicted criminals who stormed and ravaged the Capitol while assaulting and injuring police officers. 138 officers (73 Capitol Police and 65 Metropolitan Police) were injured, of whom 15 were hospitalized, some with severe injuries. One died and many others suffered life-altering after effects. Quite a ''day of love'' as your leader calls it don't you think? Then, of course, there was all the physical damage to the Capitol building itself.
Just a couple of more of the many will be documented here because you likely won't care anyway. I f you cared about truth and the rule of law you and your party would have simply kicked Trump out long ago instead of cowing down to him. But, here we go with a few more recent examples of NOTE -
Trump (nor any other president) can NOT make laws, establish agencies or control the nation's purse. That is the job of Congress alone, unless you just ignore the law and the constitution....oh, that's right, you all are okay with that aren't you? As Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina recently said when asked about the legality of what the administration was doing “it runs afoul of the Constitution in the strictest sense. But, nobody should bellyache about that". If that doesn't make you cringe, nothing will! As I asked before, just WHAT kind of people are you to defend such? It is truly mind-blowing! Of course when you support and elect a criminal, criminality is expected and welcomed I suppose.
Anyway, CONGRESS had passed a LAW that forced TikTok to sell or close, the COURTS upheld it, TRUMP excused it declining to enforce it ... ILLEGAL! ...NO consequences so far.
Want another illegality example? A president can NOT, by law, fire inspectors general without giving lawmakers 30 days’ notice ... Trump dismissed 18 of them anyway....ILLEGAL... NO consequences so far.
I'll just document one more here since, as I say, it won't matter to you anyway. If it did you would be as appalled as ANY honest citizen who has had to watch all of this unfold on a daily basis. A president can NOT, by law, shut down any agency that CONGRESS has approved and funded yet that’s exactly what Trump did to the U.S. Agency for International Development with Elon Musk’s guidance. And, by the way, he can NOT set up an ''agency'' without congressional action and approval but, of course, he did that illegally also with Musk and the so-called ''DOGE agency'' ...maybe they should add a ''D'' and ''E'' to stand for DODGE the law! As Brendan Nyhan, a political scientist at Dartmouth College said, “The president is openly violating the law and Constitution on a daily basis”. But, again, that OBVIOUSLY is of no importance, or concern, to you and your MAGA crowd! As for the ''DEI'' and ''WOKE'' comment, that one is just TOO MUCH cliche' to even bother with any further!
I think that I have pretty well covered the ''gripes'' in the second paragraph of your letter already herein so let's just move on to the third.
I am pro life, pro guns and pro religion. Always have been always will be. Now I am thankful to have an administration who feels the same way and we don't have to worry about the democrats taking away our rights anymore! Now God is back in the white house and congress once more and has chosen them to do his will. We're finally actually getting rid of millions of criminal immigrants from this country!In regard to that comment, I have always resented the use of the term ''pro life'' to indicate ''anti-abortion''. To me that is an absurd paradox. What about caring about the ''life'' of the mother? What about caring about the ''life'' of your grandchildren forcing them to breathe diesel exhausts, other emissions and polluted air in general? What about the''life'' of the planet as a whole? Your denial of manmade climate change doesn't make it any less real. What about the ''life'' (lives) of those who cannot afford or obtain proper medical care, not only around the globe but right here in America? What about the ''life'' (lives) of those murdered by authoritarian dictators who your leader has aligned with and says he admires (and who have praised his election!) ? I could go on but you get the point....or do you? On second thought, probably not ... it is part of that ingrained hypocrisy isn't it?
As for ''pro guns'' ... well that old GOP cliche' is so worn that it is pretty well exhausted. I, myself, have been a lifelong gun owner, currently owning four rifles, three shotguns and two pistols (and, yes, I assure you that I know how to use them, and store them, - responsibly). I do not, and never have, had the slightest concern about ANYONE denying my right to own them! That ''Democrats are coming for your guns'' argument, circulated at every election, is such ''shallow BS'' that, in my view, only the biggest of fools would fall for it! Hummm?
Now, if you own an AR-15, AK-47, bazooka, box of hand grenades, land mines, nuclear weapons, etc. etc., then THAT is a different scenario! All military automatic weapons should NOT be in the hands of the public, period...just common sense. There is no need for it and the risks are too great as evidenced by far too many innocent funerals in this country already. By the way, COMMON SENSE is a good thing to possess no matter what your IQ grade!
As for ''pro religion'' ... that's a pretty broad term. Which one are you ''pro'' on ... Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism ...another? Oh, I assume that you mean your particular version of what YOU call ''Christianity''? Well, I will give you the courtesy of not insulting you on this. But ... I will point out that it is NOT a Christian characteristic, meaning patterned after Jesus Christ, to hate and badmouth your fellow man, deny help to the poor and needy, be unmerciful and unkind to immigrants and refugees, and certainly not to lie, cheat and steal as your leader and his followers do and condone ''religiously''! ''God is back in the White House now"??? I have heard that tossed around before by others besides you. It is one of the more unfathomable perceptions I have ever heard voiced...that along with one local newspaper woman writer's claim that ''Trump is a 'man's man' '' (if he is, GOD HELP ''the man''!). Of course, come to think of it, maybe you actually do mean ''god'' in the sense that ''TRUMP is YOUR god'' ... that actually just occurred to me, in which case I guess you would be right in your personal designation!
ANY one who thinks that God, or particularly his ''Son'' for whom Christianity is named, would condone the behavior of Donald Trump and the double-dealing crowd who align with him truly is PATHETIC in their ability to reason! Perhaps he would be ''forgiven'' but, then, Trump has said he has never asked for forgiveness because he didn't feel that he needed it- or do you doubt that comment? If you do, then do something different for a change....FACT CHECK IT like you should be doing everything you hear on Fox News (but, unfortunately, you can NOT fact check that which you do NOT hear which is most of Trump's actual derogatory, or stupid comments ignored by Fox News)
Instead of those in your party wanting to post the Ten Commandments on the school walls, perhaps they should learn to PRACTICE them first! I suggest that you sit down with a Bible sometime and READ and PONDER the Sermon On The Mount. See, then, how many of those virtues are being exemplified by the ''god back in the White House''! I have maintained for many, many years that If Christ returned today, he wouldn't even be recognized by most of those who currently preach in his name! Indeed, he would likely be crucified all over again! Remember the old lesson that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven? Just think on that one for awhile and try to interpret it before you try and justify any opposition to the meaning of it.
As for ''criminal immigrants'' ... the biggest ''criminal immigrant'' that I know of these days is Elon Musk! Everything he has done since making himself co-president is illegal or unethical or both! Furthermore, it is also literally a coup that is setting us up as an authoritarian dictatorship! Read the definition and pay attention! And, as for ''deporting felons first'', which many of your fellow cult members espouse, I am all for it! Why not start with your cult leader?
What do you think gives you the right to set up an anti MAGA website anyway? Who do you think wants to hear your little negative opinions over and over? In a way I hate to say this so directly by [? sic] I will end by saying that you and the others like you can just go to hell!
It is a pleasure to point out ''what do you think gives you the right to set up an anti MAGA website anyway?''. That right is called ''FREEDOM OF SPEECH'' (some of your crowd likes to parrot that term but only as long as it applies to THEM!)! The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it's oldest, protects freedom of speech. It was ratified on December 15, 1791, just for your information. Here again, it is also just COMMON SENSE for the right of freedom of speech to exist in a free and democratic society. But, there is NO DOUBT that stifling free speech, and critics like myself, is a priority of your ''administration'' and their Project 2025 guidebook (perhaps Trump should have placed his hand on that during inauguration when he refused to place his hand on the Bible). His ''projection'' of ''witch hunts'' is, perhaps, only accurate for the first time in regard to this effort- that and the purging of all agencies who acted responsibly to hold him accountable for all of HIS atrocities of HIS OWN making!
As for why I, myself, take the time and make the effort to maintain and write for this little webiste...I have pretty well explained that in the preface above, at the beginning. As for qualifications, I have been considered a pretty fair writer ever since winning a statewide literary contest for a short story, in high school. I have been ''writing'' for the public, in some form or other, all of my life. Again, most of this ''justification'' is covered in the above PREFACE . However, most importantly, I sincerely believe that ANYONE and EVERYONE who has the ability, should be raising voices (and keyboards) against what is happening in our country at this time! It is NOW or NEVER ... that is WHY I do this. It is ALL we can do for the moment. It seems we have NO responsible leadership in this country to stop the avalanche. Calling them out and, perhaps, using litigation (although the Supreme Court has rendered Trump basically ''immune'' to the laws that are supposed to apply to ALL of us) are the ONLY weapons we have, for now, to try and save American rule of law, the constitution itself and our democracy as a whole.
As for your ''go to hell'' comment ... how ''eloquent''! I'm just so afraid that your ''administration'' is taking all of us there along with our country!
Here ''endeth'' my reply to my current critic.
To my other readers ...
I know this one was a bit ''long winded'' but I hope I have not been too repetitive in my attempt to respond to my critic's email. As always, if you have made it this far, I TRULY THANK YOU for reading and staying with me through it! Hopefully you will join me again at this site for my next post, whenever that may be. Remember to email me if you would like to be notified of all posts as they happen. Again, all emails and addresses are kept entirely CONFIDENTIAL. Hopefully, next time I can include some of those outside links to sources of great, accurate independent jounalism now out there which are more important than ever before due to the ''normalizing'' of current events by most of the mainstream media.
Until next time,
Hayne Davis
PS- Again, please forgive any typos as I type in Notepad WITHOUT any spell check...I proof read but always miss a few it seems!
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February 4, 2025 ''DaviSamples''
This is a pretty fast turn-around since I never expected to typically be posting much more frequently than weekly, at most. But, I had promised in the preface to bring some of the ''DaviSamples'' of past posts from my business site, the ones that ultimately prompted me to launch DaviSoapBox here. So, I decided to go ahead and import these early commentary segments from DaviSound News Updates from late 2024.
Before I get to that though, I thought I would add a few more comments that come to mind after watching the last few days of ''Trumpism'' at work. I have heard a lot of the YouTube commentators that I watch refer to Trump, lately, as a ''pure pyschopath'' ...''we now have a genuine psychopath at the helm running our country'' was one quote. I had to admit that I had never really pondered the specific meaning of this common term so I looked it up in the dictionary and this is what I found - ''A psychopath is someone who has an antisocial personality and a lack of empathy and remorse. They may also be manipulative, deceitful, and impulsive''. Seems they were right ... Trump to a ''T''!
After all of my diatribe about Trump as the diabolical cult leader in my previous, initial post (please link above or scroll below), I now think it is important to consider the other side of the coin! All of us who have watched with concern since Trump hijacked the GOP early on, have criticized the ''enablers'' ... those spineless elected Republicans, largely in Congress, who allowed Trump's atrocities to flourish. I commented once, back during Trump's first term, to my hispanic tenant in a conversation about Trump, that he was the most dangerous thing to happen to America in my lifetime. She quickly responded, showing amazing insight, ''Yes, but it is not Trump so much that scares me as all those crazy people who support him. One day Trump will be gone but they will still be here''. An important, insightful observation!
Maybe now is the time that instead of dwelling on those who ''enable Trump'', we concentrate on those who ''Trump enables''! Remember Project 2025? This well organized group of extremists began planning and plotting their project to take over the American government immediately after Trump's defeat in 2020 and, actually, before that. They wrote it all down and put the blueprint out there for all to see BEFORE the 2024 election. Of course, when asked about it Trump claimed he had heard the name somewhere but didn't really know anything about it. He distanced himself each time he was asked about it as did his chronies. Well, as it turns out, Trump's executive orders and wreckless, destructive efforts since day one have been a direct checklist to that outlined in the Project 2025 agenda.
Did you watch any of Trump's big ''executive order signing production'' on days one and two (I KNOW it was difficult!)? If so, you no doubt noticed that most of what he was signing he not only hadn't read, in many cases he didn't even know what it was. It had to be explained to him whereby he then switftly put his sharpie pen to it with a big flourish without so much as a glance at the content! The guy standing behind him, handing him one document after another, could have, no doubt, handed him ANYTHING during his big ''show'' and he would have put his signature on it. And, just who WAS that guy anyway? He is a lawyer named Will Scharf, apparently now one of Trump's ''staff secretaries''. Now, here is the interesting thing ... if you go to the Project 2025 website and look up ''personnel'', you will find Will Scharf's name listed right there. But, of course, Trump never heard of Project 2025, I KNOW because he told us over and over and he NEVER lies. He also didn't really know any of the people involved with it, remember?
The point here is, there is a much larger threat at work than just Donald Trump himself. I think a shadow group of rightwing extremists, working in the background, saw a great opportunity with Trump's cult status and began working diligently to take advantage of it in order to establish their dangerous agendas once they could get him elected again! We're seeing that start to play out right now. Yes, Trump IS a very real dangerous ''pyschopath'' but we MUST keep in mind that he will likely increasingly become nothing more than a mere puppet to an even more dangerous group who HE has enabled! This group has the ''legal'' foundation and the connections to truly dismantle democracy and establish an authoritarian government right before our eyes and I, for one, am afraid that is just what we are witnessing rapidly unfold right now! They've been planning and organizing for a long time with their tentacles far-reaching even affecting the elections in many states through voter purges, vote rejections and the like. And, of course, we have the billionaire oligarchs playing right along. Combine all of that with a crooked Supreme court and a bought-off congress and it paints a pretty bleak picture!
The right wing political crowd is really fairly predicatable. They operate with PROJECTION along with their deception and distortion. Trump's method is to deny the truth and repeat a lie over and over and over and over until it starts to become believable to many, unfortunately (we have already lamented many times about the shallowness of much of our populace these days) . By predicability I mean you can usually tell what they plan to do by what they say- then just consider the OPPOSITE to be the truth! When the new little blonde press secretary trotted out and said all she was going to do was ''tell the truth'', the reality is she will just come out every day and echo Trump's lies, period. Then, whatever they are accusing their ''enemies'' (as THEY see them) of doing, is exactly what they actually intend to do. When Trump claims, falsely of course, that the Biden justice department was ''weaponized'' against him, that means he intends to do just that- weaponize the justice department. And, when he labels the former president as ''crooked Joe Biden'', it obviously means, which is already known to anyone paying attention, that he is the ''crookedest'' president of all time himself! Then, what do you suppose it means when they claim the 2020 election was stolen? I think it means they were laying the foundation all along to steal the 2024 election. And, say what you will, I truly think that is actually what happened. It was close no doubt but that slim margin made it easier to ''pull'' it their way. There were just TOO MANY documented irregularities in the voting patterns, the voluminous voter disqualifications across ''red states'' just mentioned and then, of course, we have the ''Elon factor'' with his ''secret app'' and his Starlink connection (pun optional)!
Whatever ''dirt'' they try to toss on ''the other side'', you can BET they are planning to use that tactic themselves! Count on it! It's an all too obvious pattern. So, the point here is, as big a distraction as Trump is, there is a much larger threat at work in the background now that Americans MUST become aware of, and somehow prepare for, with all the resistance we can muster! Perhaps the positive side to this is that most of the Trump cultists themselves will likely not like what they see unfolding by this shadow group anymore than the rest of the American populace. That means there likely WILL be a path to righting the ship at some point, HOPEFULLY. Of course, they may also just continue to excuse their glorious leader justifying or overlooking everything he does or fails to do- remember Mexico paying for the wall etc. etc. etc.?
Now, about all this latest noise regarding annexing Canada as the 51st state, that craziness sounds like Trump alone! I don't think we have to look much further than Donald J. Trump for that dangerous and embarrasing stupidity! Can you begin to imagine the laughing stock he has made of America already all over the world? But the sad part is, the dangerous part, this is NO JOKE. And, like many of his atrocious ideas, it IS downright dangerous to keep putting it out there! Does anyone recognize the Putin imprint here?
With that I move on to some imported ''DaviSamples'' from my previous posts on my business site - DaviSound News Updates. They will be labeled by the date they were originally posted. These impromptu comments added to my business updates were what became the inspiration for ''DaviSoapBox''. Hopefully they will add more insight into the motivations of yours truly.
This is an excerpt from my February 2024 post ... I had just finished talking about the threat of ''AI'', Artificial Intelligence, and then went into the topic of another concern- ''RI''... my own coined term for ''Real Ignorance''!
Now then, having said all of that, there is something else that I am even MORE ''DaviScared'' of (and I don't really scare all that easily so I use the term''scared" in the sense that I am gravely CONCERNED). That something else is what I am calling ''R I ''. ''R I'' (my own term) ,,, stands for ''REAL IGNORANCE'' (as opposed to ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE). I have mentioned many times in my ''mini-torials'' that the dumbing down and brainwashing of Americans that I have observed and experienced over the past two decades especially, is so unbelievable to me that I OFTEN tell my wife (all TOO often in her opinion, I am sure!) that I feel I am living in an alternate reality and it is closely akin to the TWILIGHT ZONE! I just can NOT get used to seeing and hearing what is out there all around us these days and, to me, it is truly mind-blowing. I can certainly understand how there is a huge movement out there these days away from mainstream society with so many of the thinking few that's left choosing to get away from everything and become nomads or live isolated somewhere far off-grid.
Now ''IGNORANCE'' (born out of the root word ''IGNORE'') does NOT necessarily coincide with ''STUPIDITY''. It bascially means that if you are ignorant, you are simply IGNORING significant facts of reallity that exist all around you. Now this ignorance can be DELIBERATE (voluntary) or it can be NON-DELIBERATE (involuntary). There are all-too-many IGNORANT Americans nowadays and to a great degree, it seems to be largely CHOSEN ignorance. Many seem to have that old ''My mind is made up so don't bother me with the facts'' mentallity. If they choose to watch a newscast to learn what may be going on around them, they typically choose ONE news network instead of sampling them all and it is usually the ONE network that spits out the propaganda that they have become accustomed to and that they now crave to feed their addiction.
This has now become so bad in our country that many well-meaning, otherwise good people, have become BRAINWASHED (yes, I mean BRAINWASHED in the truest sense of the word!) hate mongers willing to turn against their own friends and family if you don't join their CULT! Tell me this isn't ''scary''...something to be MOST concerned about! Those of us outside looking in at all this absurdity just can not believe it can be possible! How could this become so rampant in the United States Of America? Would it make any difference to any of these propaganda addicts if they knew what their propagandist thought of them? I doubt it (''R I''). I once heard the head of one of these networks tell a prospective advertiser, ''You really ought to advertise on MY network...my viewers are so gullible they'll buy anything''! The principle on which it was founded no doubt!
The United States Congress nowadays looks like a Saturday Night Live skit from days of old yet nowadays it is REALITY! (''R I'')! And, many of us ponder which is the scariest trend - the idiots elected to congress or the morons who elected them! We wonder how it is possible for so many voters to accept, and in some cases support and enable, the shenannigans of those they elected simply because they have hijacked their always aligned political party. Can't you still be loyal to a political ideology yet at the same responsibly reject some wacked-out cult leader and the surrounding hypocrites who have simply slapped on your party label? Then, the few brave and sincere states-persons from their political party who have nobly done their duty and stood up against this dangerous nonsense find themselves exiled, threatened, or at best, IGNORED (''R I'').
If you were to write a TV, or movie, script about something like this in the old days (old days here meaning just a few decades ago) then EVERYONE would expect an ending where the ''good guys'' (those courageous few just referred to) would ''win in the end'' with everyone coming to their senses just in time to recognize and reward them for their TRUE loyalty to the constitution and law and order (where is James Bond when we need him?). Unfortunately, in these days of dominant ''R I '', I don't see this happening, And, yes, it is VERY CONCERNING....okay, let's just admit it is actually very SCARY! And what is so scary is that REAL IGNORANCE causing all of this...so many ''voters'' willing to IGNORE and accept things like the January 6th assault on the capitol of the United States which. to my old eyes, was the WORST thing I have ever seen happen in this country...and I have seen a LOT over seven decades! How can ANY sane, moral person ''overlook'', or IGNORE ("R I") something like that....and that is just one of MANY atrocities being swept under the rugs of their ''R I'' mindsets.
I know that I have always vowed to keep political views and stances out of my little forum here but nowadays that is just so hard to do when all this ''R I" surrounding us threatens our very existance as a true democratic society! The old ''head-in-the-sand'' approach is just not going to work anymore so we have to TRY to bring some sense back into the nonsense for EVERYONE's sake! ALL of us, I think, need to converse, speak out, and be willing to listen as well as inform. This now goes way beyond politics! All my readers in other countries may find it a bit difficult to fathom that we now have a significant section of our United States population who actually believe that the world is flat, that the man-made climate crisis is a hoax, that ''space lasers'' start forest fires, that the world is only 5,000 years old, that celebrities are in cahoots with a ''deep state'' political system that can ''rig'' an entire football league and Super Bowl outcome, and that members of their opposing political party are pedophiles or/and ''reptillians''! And, what's worse, some of them are sitting in the U.S. Congress right now! Furthermore, if they had their way, they would force their mindlessness on the rest of us!
Now, think about it....
When you mix all this ''R I'' with ''A I''...then you REALLY AND TRULY HAVE A HELL OF A SITUATION. Most of these wackos already live in some sort of alternate reallity where EVERYTHING is wrong with those on their ''other side'' while ANYTHING is right with all on THEIR side. FOR GOD'S SAKE LET'S ONCE AND FOR ALL BEGIN TO PUT TRUTH AND COMMON SENSE ABOVE POLITICS AND POLITICAL PARTIES BEFORE IT IS FAR TOO LATE! But, then, how do we do that when those I just mentioned are not capable of employing common sense or even recognizing the TRUTH? My grandfather always said, ''He who argues with a fool is just a bigger fool''...his way of saying that you simply can't reason with the unreasonable. I'm afraid that is just where we are now in this society and there just may not be a solution. I can NOT echo the words of our president who claims that he honestly believes our best days are ahead of us. I truly wish they were. But I am afraid that this newest edition of ''artifical intelligence'', and how it will interact with the already dangerous "real ignorance" all around us, just might be our final undoing!
So, how do I end something like this on a positive note? Good question! In my younger days, I simply employed some of my own ''R I '' and mostly ignored politics as something that would always be corrupt to a large extent (by the very nature of the self-serving types it largely attracts) and something that was beyond my control anyway. As for my own ''political leanings'', in my young adult days I was very much the moderate conservative like most in my immediate surroundings. But, I helped plan campaigns and write and produce advertising for both camps on occasion.
Many will be surprised to learn that I even coached my old friend, Lee Atwater in ways to manipulate a media audience (Lee was later to become a key figure in the national Republican Party under the Reagan administration and is often credited with starting the ''bad boy'' politics that mushroomed and plague us to this day. Lee later admitted regretting some of this however and most of his tactics could be considered ''good natured'' compared to what we see today!). I remember passing along the term ''Sheeple'' to him during one of our rap sessions. This rather derogatory term had been coined by my old mentor Dave Hedrick which he often used to refer to a radio audience that he wanted to manipulate. Lee, of course, loved it. Later this term was picked up by Karl Rove and utilized behind closed doors throughout the Bush administration.
As the years passed and I observed the political right becoming more and more extreme, and attracting more and more undesirables, I found myself disassociating myself from that camp entirely. By the time Rush Limbaugh came along and helped to ruin AM radio, along with the minds of most of his audience, I was completely disgusted! As the years went by, I began to observe that the FEW politicians willing to serve for the RIGHT reasons were usually on the LEFT side of the aisle so I just inherently migrated in that direction.
In those earliest days, those simpler times, we did NOT have the rampant corruption and ignorance all around us that is so prevalent today. We did not have the dangerous, giant network propaganda machines that exist today. And, we did not have the abundant ''R I '' of it's vulnerable audience which is not only threatening our political system but our society as a whole and, indeed, the very future of the planet itself! The stakes are higher than they have ever been and now with ''A I'' in the works joining up with ''R I '', even those few who WANT to may not be able to tell fact from fiction, or reality from made up ''alternate reality''.
If you have made it this far with this post I truly do appreciate you and thank you! I am so pleased that you are one of our average thousand or so readers who come by for more ''punishment'' month after month! Hopefully there will be brighter days ahead for us all in every direction as the year unfolds ... we must have HOPE and do what we can!
Here is a brief snippet from March 26th, 2024 (anniversary of my late Dad's birthday) that should furnish a bit more background -
Hello again and WELCOME to ''DaviSouthCarolina''!
Coming to you from the heart of one of the most naturally beautiful places on the planet !
Unfortunately, it is also home to some of the WORST roads and politicians on the planet !
And speaking of WORST politicians (as we were last time)... I did get a couple of comments about my long-winded oration last month (I expected a lot more!). Fortunately, the two that responded were favorable and one echoed my sentiment while reminding me of something that I had never heard before...that George Washington addressed his own concerns about political parties in his farewell address saying something to the effect that he was afraid that loyalty to party might eventually take priority over loyalty to country...exactly what has happened to many in the Republican party today (only much worse than he could ever imagine I'm afraid)!
A bit later in that post...
In honor of my Dad, as I write this on his birthday, I would like to mention that he was one of the few U.S. soldiers to experience, let alone survive, EVERY major battle of the northern European theater in World War II, from Normandy to Bastogne. He was decorated with, a very rare, five major battle stars at the war's end. He started out with the 801st Tank Destroyer Battalion which became fragmented during the Battle Of The Bulge. He was then absorbed into the 101st Airborn just prior to the Battle Of Bastogne and then, afterwards, absorbed into Patton's 3rd Army when they arrived to assist the 101st. He lost most of his hearing from the incessant shelling of German 88s while dug into the Ardennes forest in the winter of 1944, and before that the Battle of Hürtgen Forest. He had previously suffered some peripheral nerve damage (they had to pry his hands loose from the grip after the battle) from continuously manning a 50 caliber machine gun post (his lot since he was his outfit's awarded ''sharpshooter''- which he considered a dubious ''award'') during the battle of Saint-Lo, Corporal (finally Sergeant) John Will Davis. He was a true gentleman to all, never talked about the war unless dilligently prodded, never complained about anything and didn't have a selfish bone in his body. The one battle that he lost, but also fought bravely, was a long one with lung cancer. He died on November 1st, 1991 at the age of 76.
(NOTE - As for my own military experience ... I was drafted in early 1968 and fully expected to go into the army. During induction at Fort Jackson, I qualified for Officer's Candidate School. Subsequently, however, I was turned down for military service because of health issues at the time. Over the years I did quite a bit of contract work for the millitary [Army and Navy] including media productions, narrations and various audio engineering projects.)
And... this was my ''vent'' piece from just after the 2024 election- which also provides a little more background on my ''political evolution''.-
In the words of one of my long-time correspondent friends who texted....
"Well, it happened."
As much as I feared it as addressed last month, I really didn't think it could possibly happen....again. But, I should have known better. I never understood how we could have come to that low a bar the first time, let alone to have that same candidate forced on us as a possibility the third time. And, yet, look what happened. Even after all the daily lies, all the incompetence, corruptness, crimes and convictions, it was all overlooked and rewarded by the "RI voters", supposedly just because they don't like the current price of groceries and who, in their shallowness, place that blame entirely on the Democrats.
However, unlike the last election, this time there actually was/is some reason to doubt the results because of the Musk and Russia alliances and some very unusually strange voting patterns.
It has all caused me to practically be actually sickened in disappointment, not particularly because of some political obsession, or even the host of incompetent, willfully destructive and undeniably corrupt stooges in the incoming administration, but mostly because the majority, slim as it may be, of our electorate in this country no longer puts character, TRUTH, morality and democracy (as well as a host of other lacking virtues) above all else as their acceptable standards! They want to deport all the felons yet they gleefully elect a thirty-four time, peer-convicted felon as their "glorious leader"! Another blatant example of the many hypocrisies of today's double-standard Republican party! ANY thing and EVERY thing are acceptable for ''their side'' while NOTHING is acceptable for the ''other side''!
Starting at the top, I cannot begin to imagine how ANY father or mother could accept, let alone endorse, ANY of this incoming crowd named thus far as role models for their sons and daughters! Yet here we are. This IS the REALITY of today's America!
Yes, for those of us who care about decency, TRUTH over lies and reality over make-believe, and of course our democracy itself and our constitution, it TRULY IS sickening to ponder all of this American down-turn! As one of the old school moderators said after a debate in the 2016 campaign, "How in the world have we come to this?". (In reference to the nomination of an overblown reality TV host/unscrupulous con man). I wonder what he thinks now after nine more years of tumultuous societal sinking!
I also wonder what my father, and others of his WWII generation,would think about today's Republican Party with it's Nazi members! My dad was a lifelong Republican who made the choice largely for what it stood for in the ''old days'' and mainly, I think, because his former Allied commander, Dwight D. Eisenhower, became president under that party label. I just wonder what he would think of that party today and the scum they attract and welcome into it with open arms. As I mentioned in a prior post back in March on my Dad's birthday anniversary, he was a decorated World War II veteran who survived all FIVE major European campaigns. Having been among the first American combat soldiers to reach the infamous Siegfried Line, he spent Christmas of 1944 dug into the snow along the Belgium- German border in what was later to be labeled, ''The Battle Of The Bulge''. What do you suppose he would say about these ''Nazi-Trumpers'' in street parades and boat parades all across American streets and waters in recent years- some even on our local lake on the 4th Of July of all things?Way back in February, I wrote a lengthy piece which has, already to date, drawn more comments than most any other of my prior News Update posts. One of my long-time clients commented that I probably drew a lot of ''flack'' for it but, surprisingly it has all been positive so far- I guess that is because I have long ago run off all but the ''like-minded'' to this site!
If you missed it, you can use the February link above or go directly to the excerpt I refer to here - EXCERPT . In that piece I mentioned that I, myself, although not politically motivated enough to align with any party in those days, leaned more toward the conservative center (I was actually too politically cynical to give it much concern in those days). I also mentioned how, in the early seventies, I ''coached'' my old college friend, and band mate, Lee Atwater in some of the manipulative advertising techniques I had learned during my early broadcast advertising career. Of course, Lee later became the ''godfather'' of ''bad boy'' style ''dirty politics'' and, no doubt, spawned much of the ''fear/hate'' propaganda tactics we have become infiltrated with today (but as I hinted at in that piece, I think even Lee would be appalled by some of what he would see today). He always felt that you could not run on policy in the south, but that you had to paint the other candidate as the ''bad guy'' in every way possible. He did that effectively ... and it usually worked.
Lee performing at the Bush inauguration in 1989.
And, with the president elect himself.
Lee with fellow South Carolinian, James Brown
whose custom demo studio console I built.
Lee really was a talented guitar player. Even though we only had three instruments in our little group, Lee, a drummer, and me on bass along with a vocalist, I always said it sounded like we had TWO guitar players because of Lee's stylings! Sometime, in a lighter vein, I will have to tell the story of how we managed to play TWO Christmas party gigs, a couple of miles apart, on the same evening via Lee's creative manipulation! He recorded an album in 1990 with B.B. King and others on Curb Records, entitled Red Hot & Blue. The title track from the album earned Lee a Grammy Award nomination for Best Contemporary Blues Recording at the 33rd Annual Grammy Awards in 1991. He also performed with Paul Shaffer and his band in an episode of Late Night with David Letterman.
When I was driving home through Washington from an installation in New York in 1982, I was supposed to stop in at his Reagan Administration office in the White House that night for a ''jam session'' with some of his musical buddies of the day. But, I had to call and decline since I had been up all night the night before and was suffering from one of my worst ever migraine headaches that evening. I guess I am the only person in history to decline an invitation to a jam session at the white house!![]()
The last time I spoke directly with Lee, he called to thank me for defending him in a newspaper letter to the editor about a recent column that had been written against him. I remember he said he was calling me from ''Bush's boat'' and that they, laughingly, still thanked me for passing along the term ''sheeple''.
But, as time went on I became more and more aware of what was actually going on in American politics and the more I learned, and the more I saw, the more I disassociated myself from the GOP. As others have said, I didn't leave the Republicans...they left me. I had already become impressed with the Bill Clinton administration and became a true convert when the Supreme Court actually did ''steal'' the 2000 election from Al Gore!
Truthfully though, I think all of those ''dirty politics'' tactics were mostly ''just a game'' for Lee, something he just enjoyed playing to the hilt. He was a born ''showman'' and manipulator and knowing him like I did, I really don't believe he ever considered the seriousness of what he was doing, and the legacy he was creating, until he was facing his own death bed. Then when he did, he shared the following statement and apology to America via LIFE magazine, around his birthday and shortly before he died, in 1991.
In a February 1991 article for Life , Lee Atwater wrote:
My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood. The 1980s were about acquiring – acquiring wealth, power, prestige. I know. I acquired more wealth, power, and prestige than most. But you can acquire all you want and still feel empty. What power wouldn't I trade for a little more time with my family? What price wouldn't I pay for an evening with friends? It took a deadly illness to put me eye to eye with that truth, but it is a truth that the country, caught up in its ruthless ambitions and moral decay, can learn on my dime. I don't know who will lead us through the '90s, but they must be made to speak to this spiritual vacuum at the heart of American society, this tumor of the soul.
So, as I ponder this election and reflect, I wonder just what my old friend would actually think of his beloved GOP as it has evolved today. I won't speculate too much but, based on his own words and death-bed apologies to many of those he offended, I have to believe that he would also be SADDENED, as I am, as to what is now unfolding, and likely dismantling in the future, in our mutually beloved, USA! This current incoming crowd of power hungry, self-servers will most certainly NOT be ''speaking to this spiritual vacuum at the heart of American society, this tumor of the soul.''
George Carlin defined the difference in parties this way - ''Republicans care about property, Democrats care about people". I think Lee was realizing some of that in his last public statement. Of course it is not all that simple....we ALL care about our property and we certainly ALL care about our families. But, there is no doubt that American ambition has now evolved into the most stringent American GREED in our history and that most on the political right will now do, and sanction, ANYTHING for the sake of this GREED AND POWER. You don't have to look hard to see the evidence of this, it's everywhere! I also stand by my observations over the years that most of today's Republicans are either ignorant ( my term ''RI'' from earlier post) or corrupt, or both. Or, to put it more ''conservatively for the conservatives'', most of the right wing voters are either uninformed or misinformed, or both ....ask ANY of them the last time they watched a news network besides ''Fox News'' (pure propaganda) or looked beyond their little ''bubble group'' on social media.
So, HOW will we survive another four years of chaos and negativity like never before seen? That's a very good question and a very disturbing thought. But, as I said before when wrapping up one of these ''far afield pro audio news updates'', I guess we just keep TRYING to share our thoughts and TRYING to educate and TRYING to reason with the unreasonable....but it WILL be harder than ever before, for certain.
And then my final post for 2024 in December ...
As another year winds down and we look ahead to another one on the way, for many of us our hearts are still heavy over the direction we see our beloved country heading. I know, I have belabored this quite a bit in some of the posts herein this year but as one friend put it, it is just too serious to pretend that all is well and that what has happened is in anyway normal, or ''politics as usual''. We can NOT just ignore it without comment. As I have tried to emphasize, this is NOT about politics....left versus right or conservative versus liberal. It's not even about policy. It's about the decay of American standards and traditions that threaten our very constitution and way of life as we now witness the reality of self serving oligarchs, quite literally, taking over our government right in front of us. And, as I have also belabored to no end here before, the worst part is that over half the population is now too blinded by ''RI'' to even know what is happening (you'll have to look for my definition of this ''RI'' elsewhere in these Updates if you missed it) !![]()
A reader recently sent me this.
It is spot on but we must include that other all-important reason... too many voters were/are just too ignorant and unaware of the seriousness of what was/is at stake as a result of their shallow motives for voting the way they did in this election! I was somewhat encouraged the other day when 38 Republican House members for once stood up and did NOT bow down to the threats of the new Fascist president-elect and his new, un-elected oligarch partner as they passed bi-partisan legislation to keep the government functioning without including their demanded ebolishment of the debt ceiling . This stance does offer some glimmer of hope against the expected normalizing and ''sane-washing'' of an incoming insane administration.
So, that wraps up the ''DaviSamples'' imported from my business site in order to give you a little further background on myself and my motivations for beginning this new platform.
I sincerely thank you for reading all of my efforts and I hope that you will join me here again, at this new site, for my next entry. If you would like to be notified each time a new post is presented, simply send me an email at either email address listed in the contact area and I will send you an email notice each time this site is updated!
May the FORCE be with us!
Hayne Davis
If you would like to see these efforts continue, please share a link to this page! And, should you like to make a contribution to help maintain the site (we accept NO advertising and display NO advertising, and share/sell NO DATA whatsoever! This site is TOTALLY SELF SUPPORTED!)...
then please hit the ''DONATE'' button below to make a PayPal donation. ALL DONATIONS ARE DISCREET, SAFE AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL! Thank you VERY much for ANY support!
February 2, 2025 ''DaviState Of The Union''
Well, to put it bluntly, in terms of one of my Mom's old cliche's, ''It's going to Hell in a handbasket''. And, sadly, it is being taken there DELIBERATELY by this new ''administration'' also deliberately staffed with misfits, liars, cheats, weirdos, and borderline criminals. What else would you expect from, our new ''mafia style'' cabinet designed specifically to sabatoge the United States Government? The only ''good news'' is, as Rachel Maddow points out, they are not particularly good at it- not yet anyway. But, even ineptness in concentration can, and HAS already, wreak/wreaked havoc!
Part of my motive for beginning this site was to have a running account, a chronological documentation, of all the atrocities performed by this bunch of unqualified ragtags. However, that may just be beyond my scope as that would practically take a 24/7 non-stop vigilance! I'll just have to do my best in the limited time available.
It's only been, what?... around two weeks now? ... and it seems like two years! At least 20 years worth of setback damage has been done already if it is allowed to stand and, alas, who is going to stop it? We can't trust the courts anymore for the most part and even where we can, Trump just ignores any ruling he doesn't like...so far, without much consequence! We have no watchdog committees anymore the Republican controlled congress has seen to that. That bunch of cowardly, politically self-serving, ''ring-kissing'' (to be polite!) two-facers has no positive agenda for the country whatsoever, just SLASH and GET EVEN and praise the ''almighty leader''!
Although Trump started out by pardoning some of the most deranged and dangerous capitol-storming, police beating criminals to be set free to buy guns and do whatever (some probably winding up on Trump's staff- maybe Mexico should ''build a wall'' to keep them out!), perhaps the worst tragedy, so far, has been the destruction of the FAA and the other protective Federal agencies. Is it just a coincidence that when they ''cleaned house'' at the FAA, including the director, we then saw the worst air tragedy in 16 years in this country?
Then of course, they immediately go after ALL beneficial government programs...with mixed success so far. If you wrote this reality, these unilaterally unqualified, crackpot cabinet picks and their ridiculous confirmation process into a movie script, no one would say it was believable. Yet, here we are! This nightmare in Washington is now our reality. Can ANY sane, reasonable, person have anything but disbelief and disgust at RFK Jr.'s selection for Health and Human Services Secretary? Truly, TRULY, unfathomable! And it's about the same for all the rest of them, some just a tiny bit more palatable (except perhaps for the new director of the FBI) but ALL incompetent and unqualified for the ''job'' they should do (of course their only ''job'' is actually to destroy their respective agencies in any way they can for the ''glorious leader'' so that he can call all the shots on everything to satisfy his deranged ego!)!
Some of you might say, "what do you expect, aren't ALL politicians self-serving and corrupt?". Well, I do admit that I have always, somewhat, taken that same view....it is largely ''the nature of the animal''. But, THIS IS different! Never before have we seen such corruptness, cowardice, and down right ignorance dominating ''the hill''! At the same time, I want to complement the few sincere, true public servants, some of whom sacrificed their own careers to stand up for right and denounce would-be tyranny. Folks like Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney ...people whose political stance I may not always agree with but whose demonstration of true character and fortitude has endeared them to me forever! We MUST recognize and honor these types for they are the TRUE PATRIOTS, unlike the slime across the Internet who claim to be ''patriots'' but don't really know the meaning of the word (or too many other words for that matter!)!
Folks, PLEASE hear me...these are DANGEROUS TIMES for all of us! This could NOT be more serious! Can you believe the order to actually CLEAN OUT the FBI of EVERY agent who had any work assignment in the investigation of Donald Trump? This is actually happening! And, how about the same at the Justice Department? He's wanting to fire all the qualified prosecutors and staff that brought any case against him or his chronies! This CANNOT happen! But, tell me, WHO is going to stop it? He has the congress in his back pocket with their lips all puckered and the Supreme Court with its rightwing, bribe-accepting membership already giving him free reign! We have never before had such complete, widespread corruption all across all ruling branches of government, at least not in my lifetime, and the main agenda of the new mafia will to make it even worse, as totally bad as they possibly can.
By the way....if by chance one or two MAGA types might have drifted this way let me ask you...has the price of eggs dropped yet? (Just wait til you see the results of these new tariffs!)...was the war in Ukraine ended within 24 hours after the election? Consider this FACT- your cult leader lies CONSISTENTLY every time he makes a speech or makes a social media post...almost every time he makes a statement. Of course many of you seem to know this and for some incomprehensible reason just don't care! This, like any other toleration, let alone admiration, of Donald Trump I will NEVER, NEVER begin to understand! How in the name of reason can it be possible? What kind of people are you?
You know, in the beginning, I could KIND of overlook, or forgive, any of you who supported Trump. I could NOT understand it since , to me, just to watch the man for a few minutes told you all you needed to know...not a character you would want to be around or around your children! But, then, you elected your ''favorite reality show star'' to be your president, presumably just because he was made the candidate of the party you always supported (surely you didn't REALLY admire this bull-headed con-man?). But, even as he boasted that "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible" you STILL wallowed in your sick admiration! Even he marvelled at the incredibility of your shallowness!
Then, after he got into action and performed one daily atrocity after another, and after the Russian ties to his election influence were proven, then after he was impeached, then after his briberies and cover-ups came to light, then after his tax frauds, then after his sexual assaults and payoffs, then after and after and after....there IS NEVER A BRIDGE TOO FAR for all you cultists! It is just damned UNFATHOMABLE! But yet, there you are....and here we are. Then we have the FELONY convictions and the stolen classified documents not to mention the January 6th coup attempt. SURELY that assault on the capitol was ENOUGH? SURELY that was the end of Donald Trump, right? Most of your two-faced elected politicians said so at the time as they stood up, after running for their very lives, and blamed your wannabe dictator as he should have been blamed. Of course, within a week they had all done an about face, changed course and begun their ongoing suck-ups. And, of course, NONE of this mattered to you. You made him your hero again and, what is even MORE unfathomabale to me, you nominated him as your candidate for a SECOND ''tour of terror'' and lo and behold over half the electorate voted for him (supposedly- ask his buddy, Elon about that someitme and have them explain his ''secret app'' that knew the vote counts in advance! Then ask him why he said he didn't need your votes that he already had all the votes he needed - before the election ....YES...he SAID that...LOOK IT UP- SIMPLE FACT!).
So, I am truly serious here. How can this be? How on earth can you support such a man. How can you make him a role model for your children. How do you explain to them that it is ideal to grow up cheating your way through life and that ANYTHING goes so long as you get away with it. You want them to grow up to be bullies and try to run over people and destroy everything they touch? As I say, I am asking these questions in total sincerity and I would TRULY like you to send me your answer! Is it somehow possible that you didn't KNOW about all of the things I am pointing out herein because you seldom watch news or depend on some social media bubble or Fox News propaganda? Please tell me, just WHAT can possibly make you want to support such an all around despicable character? Is it simply your admiration for American greed and money no matter how ill-gotten or over-stated? Is it simply because he ''hates'' the same people you ''hate'' (a great ''Christian'' virtue I might add- ''HATE''!)? I REALLY want to know since this gnaws at me day and night! I just can't begin to fathom it! I feel like I am living in the twilight zone since I cannot understand how even a small minority of supposedly reasonable, somewhat intelligent voters could even remotely desire to support such, let alone the majority of you! Everyone says not to directly criticize you , or talk down to you, since confrontation is mainly what motivates you. But, I am now beyond that. I am telling you like I see it. So, please, if you are one of them and you have gotten this far, use the contact info and send me an email explaining to me just HOW and WHY you can still support such a man for ANYTHING (garbage collector in his symbolic garbage truck?), let alone President Of The United States!
As I said, the first go 'round I could possibly excuse some of you. I could use the Jesus principle ..''Forgive them for they know not what they do". But, then, after ALL the dozens and dozens of ''bridges too far'',... to support him a SECOND TIME??? I just cannot stomach any of you ''MAGA'' supporters, enablers and the Nazis you welcome into your clan any more. It is just not the kind of inhabitants of a society I want to be a part of. It all goes so much against my grain that I had to do something as radical as start this little website if, for no other reason, to VENT my frustrations and bewilderment!
So, I guess that's about it for my first post on the new website. I thank all of you who have supported me and encouraged me to do this. Hopefully it will somehow/some way make some positive impact no matter how subtle, over time. I mentioned in the preface that my first post would be to recap some of my earlier relevant posts imported from my other business site and that will happen next time. I just felt this commentary was necessary and appropriate after all the events and the terrible , Washington ''circus'' peformance these past weeks.
In closing this edition, if you like this site then please let me know and please spread the word. I don't use any outside promotion of any kind so it is all up to the readers. It is all up to you to send the links to your contact lists! Please send a link to anyone you think may be interested and ask them to do the same. And, if you feel anyway like I do, PLEASE become active and join the resistance to the tragedy that has befallen our American system. It WILL get worse! The ONLY choice we have is to stand together and to point out the seriousness which is typically minimized and played down in the minds of most. We can no longer afford apathy and we can no longer count on the mainstream media to do much of anything besides ''sane wash'' and ''normalize'' the current situation. There are dozens of others out there, like me, who have decided that they just cannot be silent anymore and who are using all forms of media to try and get the message of TRUTH out. I will be including links to many of them in the posts ahead (assuming the ''powers that be'' don't shut us all down!)
So, until next time, THANK YOU for joining me!
Hayne Davis
If you would like to see these efforts continue, please share a link to this page! And, should you like to make a contribution to help maintain the site (we accept NO advertising and display NO advertising, and share/sell NO DATA whatsoever! This site is TOTALLY SELF SUPPORTED!)...
then please hit the ''DONATE'' button below to make a PayPal donation. ALL DONATIONS ARE DISCREET, SAFE AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL! Thank you VERY much for ANY support!